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Small Gesture

More often than not it's the little things that matter.

Semalam (setelah berhari-hari mengelak) I finally answered when the potong rumput guy came to the house. He's the regular guy who comes to the house about once a month to cut the grass of our lawn. Bakhtiar kot kalau tak salah nama dia. Orang Pakistan (rasanya). Kalau boleh I nak Hubbs ada masa dia datang. Bukan apa, walaupun dah kenal (errr... baru 2 kali datang potong rumput) I don't feel comfortable. Nowadays macam-macam cerita kita baca pasal strangers kan. But then, our lawn dah macam mini jungle. Kalau Boboi golek-golek dalam rumput tu memang tak nampak.

Kebetulan I memang nak keluar ke Tesco untuk merayap sorang-sorang. OK, OK, grocery shopping. So I don't have to be around when he's working on our lawn. I put the money for his upah in an envelope and properly seal it. Then I took a water container and filled it up with cold syrup. I put the envelope and water container on a stool at our patio and told the guy to take the money and have a drink when he's done.

When I came home a couple of hours later, the guy has already finished his work and long gone. But what made my day was this👇...
He arranged our slippers (yang bersepah tu) like this 😊. Opposite direction from the haphazard way we usually park our slippers. I guess in return of a few gulps of cold syrup, the least he could do was to help put our slippers in order. It was just a small gesture but it really made my day.
Lega kepala bila laman dah kena mesin!
