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Siti No More...

Sedih lagi ni sebenarnya. Never thought a furry creature so tiny could make me cry so hard. And I've only known her for just 12 days. Siti dah tak ada... 😢

On Wednesday night Siti looked very healthy. She even showed a new skill - bergusti dengan botol susu. On Thursday morning, as usual sambil siapkan my mother's food, I panaskan susu dia. Could hear her meowing from inside the box cuma kali ni tak ada bunyi dia cakar-cakar nak keluar. Bila I nak ambil dia daripada dalam kotak, dia cuma terbaring saja. Bila angkat badan dia lembik. And quite cold. She continued meowing weakly. Bagi susu pun dia dah tak boleh telan.

I knew she would not make it. So I balut dia, peluk dia, cium dia... I told her I love her so much. I guess she kind of waited for me to wake up that morning to say good bye. She continued to meow weakly, just looking at me with those big eyes. I have not cried for quite some time. That morning I cried until my head hurts.

Fortunately Hubbs was home that Thursday morning. I asked him to continue giving Siti milk while I went out to take care of my mother. All the while my heart felt like it just broke into pieces. When I came home, just as I turned the corner to our house, I saw Hubbs outside digging with a shovel. I knew Siti was no longer with us.
Goodbye tiny little furry monster...
Miss you so much...
