Semalam lepas sekolah I bawak anak comel ke Alamanda. Just for lunch dan beli groceries sikit sebab semalam dia tak ada ko-ko. Sekarang susah nak merayap dengan dia after school. Hari-hari dia balik 1.40pm. Thursdays 2.45pm. Sometimes Tuesdays stay back ada house practice. Wednesdays pulak stay back sebab ada ko-ko. Busy betul anak aku ni.
Anyway, on the way back, she asked whether I read about the issue regarding Neelofa launching her hijab at Zouk. I told her, yes I know. It's been the only thing you read about on social media for the past 2-3 days. One thing about having a teenager is you need to layan her concerns on whatever issues she has an opinion about. And you have to keep yourself abreast with the latest issues teenagers are drawn to. You know, like... latest songs... movies... anything concerning One Direction... those kind of things.
So I let her talk. She was clearly not so happy. And I can understand. Neelofa is a role model. Especially to teenage girls. I myself have quoted Neelofa to her as an example of a successful woman at a very young age.
Anak comel said - dia buat event dekat club kan Mommy? Yup, I said. Dia launch hijab pulak tu, she said. I said, yeah, it was turban. Turban? Tak kisahlah, still consider hijab. True, I said. I explain to her that the place where she launched it might be a function room within Zouk. No arak, no whatever. It was purely a product launch. But the fact that it was launched at Zouk is an act yang mengundang fitnah. That's why people are making noise.
And I told her Zouk has quite a notorious reputation. So, no matter how the organisers try to justify their choice of venue, one important fact must be understood. It was a hijab launch at a nightclub. Simple as that. Anak comel seems to understand my point.
But anak comel still not so happy. She said, masa launching tu Mak Neelofa pun ada kan?Kenapa lah Mak dia pun sama-sama pergi club tu? I just smiled. She then said - Mommy nak tau tak comment paling kelakar pasal tu? Apa dia? She said, someone posted a comment on Twitter - patutnya kena bagitau Nenek Neelofa. Kenapa pulak?, I asked. She said, biar Mak Neelofa kena marah dengan Nenek Neelofa sebab pegi clubbing!
Anyway, Neelofa has apologised. Everybody makes mistakes. Yang ini sebenarnya pengajaran buat semua. Ada benda yang kita rasa OK tapi sebenarnya tak OK. Kena orang lain point out that it's not OK baru kita sedar yang it really is not OK. OK?