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Dua-Tiga Hari Punya Summary

It's been a hectic week. I'm still stuck with the UAT. I was supposed to join the 2-week long workshop for the module that I'm currently working on, however, since I won't be around Wednesday to Friday, I was asked to focus on the UAT instead. A blessing. But quite stressful. I'm constantly on Telegram with the developer and team leader to work on errors. Just finished the whole end-to-end workflow for 2 main users. At least, I believe, I achieved so much in just one week compared to the months of stagnant development work.

I promised a summary :).

Aliyah improved her exam results, so we took her out for nice dinner and bought her a present. Simple one she requested. Nike water bottle to replace her old water bottle.
 Mak je buat duck face
Nowadays Aliyah would take selfies with me every time we go out. Dulu-dulu tak de nya. Macam-macam perangai teenagers ni...

Went out for dinner with the girls on Sunday night to celebrate Jay's actual birthday. And just to catch up before they fly to Yogjakarta. Juga untuk tuntut ilmu dengan Jay sikit pasal Vietnam.
 Simple dinner at Teh Tarik Place.
Jay bagi 15,000 Dong. Muka excited macam dapat 2.6bil.

We bought a new car. Well, bought is not a correct term lah kan. Anyway, our Viva dah agak berumur. Aliyah pun dah tinggi dan kaki pun dah panjang. Kesian tengok dia duduk belakang sempit. Dia pulak suka duduk kat tengah. After much obstacles Allah bagi jalan for us to get this new car - Iriz. That's my doa - it's for Aliyah. Kalau ikut kepala I memang sampai tua lah guna Viva tu :). 
 Hijau katak pisang. We got this yesterday.
Malam tu terus run in ke KLIA2 for dinner. Nak reki for my trip.

Now that my work is done (as much as I can do lah), rasa lega I can fly off tomorrow and enjoy the Vietnam trip with Linda. I have prepared my Buku Hikmat - full of essential info, maps and photos. Insyaallah doakan kami selamat pergi dan kembali :).
