Linda and I went over to Masjid Besi again yesterday. Mission: to meet up with caterer and pay deposit, then over to the mosque's office to hand over our letter. I used the time when Linda met up with the officer to survey the place one more time. This time doing the details - locate power source, estimate length needed for extension cables, the exact place to hang the banner, etc.
This time around we have time to spare. No rush. Hajat nak duduk sekejap dalam masjid, solat sunat, zikir sikit dan join solat jamaah. Dah lama niat nak iktikaf tapi tak berkesempatan. Alhamdulillah, Asar was around the corner. Weather dari panas tiba-tiba gelap, angin kuat, hujan dan ribut. Subhanallah! Personally, it was a bit scary. I've read about how bad a storm can be in Putrajaya but have never experienced it.
While performing solat sunat, telekung memang terbang-terbang sebab angin sangat, sangat kuat. And then the rain came. The whole dewan solat terasa tempias air. Muka terasa basah. I couldn't even see the trees outside since the rain was so heavy. Floor fans pun dibaringkan sebab angin terlalu kuat kipas boleh jatuh. The whole time solat Asar, it was thunder and rain and wind.
What an experience!
This time around we have time to spare. No rush. Hajat nak duduk sekejap dalam masjid, solat sunat, zikir sikit dan join solat jamaah. Dah lama niat nak iktikaf tapi tak berkesempatan. Alhamdulillah, Asar was around the corner. Weather dari panas tiba-tiba gelap, angin kuat, hujan dan ribut. Subhanallah! Personally, it was a bit scary. I've read about how bad a storm can be in Putrajaya but have never experienced it.
While performing solat sunat, telekung memang terbang-terbang sebab angin sangat, sangat kuat. And then the rain came. The whole dewan solat terasa tempias air. Muka terasa basah. I couldn't even see the trees outside since the rain was so heavy. Floor fans pun dibaringkan sebab angin terlalu kuat kipas boleh jatuh. The whole time solat Asar, it was thunder and rain and wind.
What an experience!
Wind started to pick up, and rain smashed at the glass door. Vapour came in from the open space on the left and right. At one point when the weather was really bad, I looked up to the beautiful dome and said to myself, "If I were to die now, I would be contented...".