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Aliyah's First Hiking Trip

Semalam Aliyah pergi hiking trip ke Gunung Angsi. Dia cuma bagitau the day before. Dia kata nak pergi sebab kawan-kawan dia pun pergi. Surat pun dia tak ambik, terpaksa mintak kawan dia photostate, dan Hubby kena tunggu kat sekolah pagi tu untuk sign surat. Gunung Angsi? Very familiar. Tough climb. But I guess both of us thought the kids will go climbing a certain easy route. Yang boleh "lalalala"... (my expression of easy is "lalala"). So, we were not worried.

I spent the day at Nilai 3 with Linda - scouting for stuff for my SIL Mija's wedding and also stuff for the new venture. I had my phone in my hands in case Aliyah called saying she's arrived at school. I reached the office at 4.30pm, then it started to rain real heavy. Masa tu dah tak sedap hati. Surely kat sana pun hujan ni... I went back home at 5.45pm, still no call from Aliyah. Hubby tried calling this Cikgu yang selalu kita orang contact kalau Aliyah pergi trips, but he couldn't be reached. Only managed to get him at 6 plus. Katanya - Aliyah dalam group yang paling last. Belum lagi sampai kat rendezvous spot. Ada budak kena cramps. Adoiyai... masa tu dah rasa sangat-sangat risau. That was the time that we realised - Aliyah actually went for an actual hiking trip. Panjat gunung! We waited. 15 minutes later Aliyah called. She was breathless. Dia kata dia kat gunung lagi tengah turun. Nak cepat katanya. She's OK. No cramps. Just that the hike down was slow. It was already dark and cold.

Lepas tu baru lah dapat tarik nafas lega. Masih risau. My baby is still on her way down the mountain. Terus solat Asar. Duduk sampai Maghrib. Doa sebanyak-banyak doa semoga Aliyah selamat. Semoga Allah kuatkan semangat dia, beri dia kekuatan, keberanian, lindungi dia dari sebarang malapetaka. Selang seli dengan doa I zikir doa Nabi Yunus minta Allah sampaikan pada Aliyah. Lepas Maghrib tunggu lagi. Finally at 7.45pm Aliyah called saying she's already on the bus. Alhamdulillah...

She reached the school at 8.50pm. We anxiously waited. Only 2 buses. I guess that shows how tough the climb was - not many students followed. The moment we saw her went down the steps, we could see she was in quite bad shape. Her clothes were full of mud - she said certain places masa turun tu kena slide down. She was limping because her toes hurt. At home, straight away asked her to strip and take a hot shower. Rendam baju dia yang soiled. Even her shoes were torn.

During dinner I told her - hiking needs preparation. It's not a leisure climb. Our daughter actually hiked Gunung Angsi without preparation - she was not properly dressed (school T shirt and normal track bottoms), she didn't wear proper shoes (school shoes and another extra pair of Converse shoes), she didn't bring necessary items (she brought Pringles and her water bottle only - no torchlight, simple first aid kit, etc). Most importantly, she was not physically prepared.

But - she did it! She hiked up and down and she made it! Albeit getting a tiny pacat bite. I have been trying to get her to go for short Bukit Broga hike but she refused. Apparently she went big time - terus naik gunung.

Aliyah said she doesn't want to go hiking anymore. Dah serik. I told her - you will enjoy the experience tomorrow when you meet up with your friends and share stories. I told her I am so proud of her. It's such an achievement. Even though it was a dangerous one. A hasty decision on her side. A dangerous assumption on our side as parents.

Today she skipped school. She's OK. At lunch dah mula share stories about the trip. Good sign. My thought - she's tougher than she looks. Tougher than we think. And I thought of my own experience. Years ago my mother tried to get my brother Angah to persuade me not to go to Pulau Rebak Kecil for an Endurance Camp because she said I am weak and I won't survive. I went instead. I survived. And brought back a whole lot of experience and memories. I guess parents always underestimate their kids. However, next time, we will be more critical!
 Turun bas - limping with soiled clothes...
Kasut sekolah koyak. Seluar pun koyak sikit.


Anonymous said…
Envy her, she's a one tough girl!
Aniza said…
Yes she is... Kids can surprise us sometimes :). Well, most of the times. I have learned not to underestimate now :).