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Undi Dengan Bijaksana?

Pilihanraya datang lagi. Tahun ni masuk kali berapa ya I mengundi? Tak ingat. Ini kali ke 4 kot? Ya, saya seorang yang meng-exercise my rights sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Hah! Actually my father dah daftarkan I jadi pengundi ever since umur cukup untuk mengundi. Veteran UMNO lah katakan. Also, I was always the one to take my mother pergi mengundi. Tu lah pasal.

I remember the last pilihanraya was the political tsunami. Change came early to Selangor. Siapa I pangkah? Let's see - I can just say that I selected a female for parliament because I was so sick of seeing Bung Mukhtar and a few other male chauvinistic YBs making fun of women in parliament. So, blame stupid YBs like Bung Mukhtar for making people like me make the change.

Was the change good? I really can't say. Sama je. But the whole scenario changed the political environment of the country forever. That the ruling party got the shock of their lives for being so complacent  And (hopefully) realise that they have baboons in their midst. 

This time around - I'm still thinking and have not decided. The change that came early to Selangor doesn't seem to have any impact. Well, just a few "perks" like paying lesser for water. Other than that - sampah still bertimbun-timbun, jalan raya berlubang jugak, harga rumah di Selangor tak pun jadi murah, Yayasan Selangor (my previous hostel) terus tutup dan nak demolish without proper planning and explanation...

I have voted for both sides before. I have seen the impact of my votes. Now, I have decided to go up on the fence. Pengundi atas pagar. Dan sedang duduk di atas pagar observing campaigning - some very classy, some still use the old trick of yelling in their speeches, some doing idiotic moves like releasing disgusting sex videos (hello, who would want to watch that!), and many still use old school way of putting up buntings, banners, etc. (I almost ran over this group of kakak-kakak BN pakai baju biru BN warna gelap memasang poster kat Seri Putra last Monday night. Dah tau nak pasang poster kat celah-celah pokok dan bushes pakai la baju terang sikit kak ooiii... Pas tu agaknya bergurau-gurau terlepas ke bahu jalan.).

Undi dengan bijaksana? If only we have candidates line-up yang bijaksana untuk diundi...
