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Most Illogical

I believe the most illogical thing in the world is "rabun dekat" or longsightedness or farsightedness or hyperopia. I am rabun dekat. I only realise it in 2005 when my friend Aimy commented that I have to put my handphone at a distance to read text messages. And I was in my 30s. Nowadays dah 40s ni memanglah patut rabun dekat pun. I believe the condition was due to my not taking good care of my eyes - especially that I love reading books before sleep. Masa kecik-kecik dan lepas tu duduk asrama, suka sangat baca buku lepas lights-off guna torchlight. One year masa kat asrama I was "blessed" to have my bed (double-decker yang atas) just by the window that has corridor light. Bila dah adult pulak, sebab malas nak bangun tutup lampu bila dah mengantuk nak tidur, baca buku dengan night lamp yang tak lah berapa terang. So, akibatnya mata pun rabun.

What I'm trying to say about farsightedness is that it is illogical to the mind. How can one see the things that are far away but can't see the things that are near. Itu lah kebesaran Allah swt. And it is such a humbling situation. Bertapa kerdilnya kita.  
