Finally, it's completed. All installed including the rubber mat at the door and near the surau. Some chairs have to be sent back due to some scratches and stuff. We should get them back next week. Now, only need to wait for Miqdam the Contractor to install the curtain railings in the surau and the entrance to the toilets. And also to complete the wirings at the workstations. Alhamdulillah, feels great to have completed the new office.
Aliyah loves the new office. She's got her spot here at the old sofa in my room. The place where she writes, draws, makes origami and stuff. Then, she would go to the training room and draw on the white board, pretending to be a teacher. She never gets bored. There's a bakery just downstairs so her supply of bread with cheese is abundance.
My work place... Nothing much in my room actually. But enough.
The middle section is very empty. When we have money, we'll be putting a cozy sofa here. Good for people to rest (especially when we start our trainings) and to receive guests. At the right is Hubby's place and next to his is Eza's.
The workstations at the left side. Insyaallah, the expansion plan is under way. Baby steps.
We have started planning the trainings. Our website is also in the midst of being revamped. Insyaallah, we will welcome a new staff next week - someone from my previous company. There are several mini-"of-my-old-company" around actually where the teams are spin-offs. Like I always say, I only work with people I know. I pray for our rezeki. Insyaallah... Semoga Allah s.w.t permudahkan segala urusan kami, semoga Allah s.w.t. limpah ruahkan rezeki ke atas kami. Amin.
