Adoii... penatnya rasa badan. Dah kerja namanya kan. But we had a good presentation this morning to that agency in PJ. This project will take long to kick start but at least we have a foot in already. Next step is to present to the top level. Really hope this project will materialise. About time we develop a product.
Anyway, for this entry of entah apa-apa, let's see... Last Friday we parked ourselves at Parcel C, Putrajaya to sell our kiddie baju kurung cotton. We joined my Abang Ben and his wife Lia. Tak ada rezeki - zero sale, but I got an order for 2 year old baju kurung. Now kena rajinkan diri pegi cari kain. And I managed to sell off 2 pasang of Lia's kiddy baju kurung. That's an achievement for someone like me yang tak reti buat sale nih.
This business is something we do for fun. And also to help out my Kak Lang - by getting her to sew the baju kurung. It's also a practical way of testing our SEO and online marketing theories. Seriously, there's a lot one can learn from trading. One thing for sure, teaches one to have really thick face.
My brother said there might be another opportunity to open another booth in Cyberjaya this Friday. If jadi, should be exciting.
Lia's merchandise. Very nice baju kurung siap she's selling. Sambil jual our stuff, dok tengok gak baju-baju dia. Ish, rasa naaakkkk je... Ada satu handbag merah tu, muat-muat untuk my red Dell mini. Matching...
Our baju kurung. Hehehe... bukan banyak pun. Total ada dalam 45 pasang kot. Our FB strategy works. After less than 2 weeks, we closed one sale yesterday. Linda dah hantar pos laju. Today we got 3 orders. There's a lady who wanted 8! Tak sure la betul ke tak ni. Dia kata dia tengah pilih.
Now, this is the comforter set we bought Aliyah a few weeks ago. Gambar cats and flowers. And she was so happy. Why we bought her this? She's been sleeping in our room for about a month - at the single mattress. And she doesn't show any sign of going back to her room! Her reason - need the air-cond. But then nowadays nights are a bit cool already. This is a bribe actually. Now she happily sleeps in her room.
Anyway, for this entry of entah apa-apa, let's see... Last Friday we parked ourselves at Parcel C, Putrajaya to sell our kiddie baju kurung cotton. We joined my Abang Ben and his wife Lia. Tak ada rezeki - zero sale, but I got an order for 2 year old baju kurung. Now kena rajinkan diri pegi cari kain. And I managed to sell off 2 pasang of Lia's kiddy baju kurung. That's an achievement for someone like me yang tak reti buat sale nih.
This business is something we do for fun. And also to help out my Kak Lang - by getting her to sew the baju kurung. It's also a practical way of testing our SEO and online marketing theories. Seriously, there's a lot one can learn from trading. One thing for sure, teaches one to have really thick face.
My brother said there might be another opportunity to open another booth in Cyberjaya this Friday. If jadi, should be exciting.
