I've become a little bit domestic lately. In a business-like manner that is. Dah letih lah buat training nih. Bukan apa, we know people want to attend, we know people need to attend, but people can't attend. There was a directive on the papers last week saying no more attending any meetings, trainings, etc at hotels. Only international events can be held at hotels. Sigh...
Anyway, our baju kurung cotton for kids business is doing OK. By now, dah dapat jual dalam 8 pasang and terus dapat balik modal for the 1st phase. Interesting. I didn't really promote them. Now dah ada enough stock, we will begin to actively sell. Our first "selling activity" will be next Sunday. There will be a jumble sale at residences of Section 15 near our office. We'll be joining. I actually have never done this kind of thing before ie opening a stall and selling stuff. But then, at this age and at this stage in life, what the heck. I want to try stuff.
So, we plan to sell our kids baju kurung, some good old clothes from my closet - yang sangat elok tapi either I dah tak muat or dah tak sesuai pakai, and also cupcakes. A few days ago Linda and me got this idea of cupcake business, and we spent the weekend (yesterday & today) practicing our cupcake skills. The results - not bad! Iqah said "sedapnya...". And we found that we actually have this natural skills at cupcake decorating, hehee... Tak payah pegi class.
Want cupcakes for your birthday parties, engagement, wedding, etc or just to enjoy yummy creamy cupcakes? We have them! Fresh from the oven. Err.. I ate so much cupcakes this weekend, I need to go on a serious diet.
Assorted yummy creamy cupcakes. Serious delicious.
Butter cupcake with lemon butter icing. We put grated lemon zest and squeeze some lemon juice into the icing. You get wonderful creamy taste with a touch of sweet & sour lemon.
Butter cupcake with chocolate icing with a sprinkle of chocolate rice. Another yummy butter icing.
Butter cupcakes with dried coconut flakes butter icing. I got this idea from watching Oprah's Favourite Things. She loves this cupcakes from this famous bakery and that particular cupcake has coconut flakes icing. We tried, put in some colour and the result was so so yummy.
Anyway, our baju kurung cotton for kids business is doing OK. By now, dah dapat jual dalam 8 pasang and terus dapat balik modal for the 1st phase. Interesting. I didn't really promote them. Now dah ada enough stock, we will begin to actively sell. Our first "selling activity" will be next Sunday. There will be a jumble sale at residences of Section 15 near our office. We'll be joining. I actually have never done this kind of thing before ie opening a stall and selling stuff. But then, at this age and at this stage in life, what the heck. I want to try stuff.
So, we plan to sell our kids baju kurung, some good old clothes from my closet - yang sangat elok tapi either I dah tak muat or dah tak sesuai pakai, and also cupcakes. A few days ago Linda and me got this idea of cupcake business, and we spent the weekend (yesterday & today) practicing our cupcake skills. The results - not bad! Iqah said "sedapnya...". And we found that we actually have this natural skills at cupcake decorating, hehee... Tak payah pegi class.
Want cupcakes for your birthday parties, engagement, wedding, etc or just to enjoy yummy creamy cupcakes? We have them! Fresh from the oven. Err.. I ate so much cupcakes this weekend, I need to go on a serious diet.
