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Felt Like Being Thrown Into a Pit

I was not among the thousands who thronged the petrol stations 2 nights ago trying to fill up my car's tank at the last lowest price of petrol the country might ever see. Not that I didn't really care, just that I passed by an empty Petronas at 6pm, got SMS from Hajar at 6.15pm when I have reached home, tried my luck at 7.30pm at Seri Putra and drove back home after seeing the queue has congested the normally quiet road. I can be kiasu, but not that kiasu.

And for these past 2 days, I felt like being thrown into a pit with these faces of the powers that be shoveling dirt into my face, slowly burying me alive. Burying us all alive. Isn't there any human with humane feelings in the powers that be? Isn't there anybody with brains over there?

Know what, I'm really tired with all these stupid charade. Just a few days ago someone said the price hike will be in August, and then suddenly the boss said it's going to be today, yes today, like there's no tomorrow. Just a few days ago there was this hoohaa about foreigners coming to the country enjoying our petrol subsidy for years (and nobody realised), then came the directives "no more selling to them foreigners, let the subsidy be for the rakyat". And suddenly the oil price skyrocketed and the ban was lifted. In just a few days.

And I can't help but wonder whether the powers that be really have brains. Look, you people are not managing a small company, ok. You lot are managing a country. People like you are supposed to possess adequate level of intelligence, managing skills, communication skills, and whatever skills needed to govern a country, to govern us all. How can you make a decision and then retract it in just a few days? Don't you people have action plans - long term, short term or are all your plans simply quickies? You try this, people got angry, you try something else.

I'm really tired...
