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It's Our Anniversary Today...

Yup, it's been 8 years of blissful marriage. And I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband and an amazing daughter to share this life.

I didn't remind Hubby this whole week and waited till this morning to wish him a happy anniversary. He said he wanted to wish me last night but he fell asleep with Aliyah. Hmm... I'd like to believe he didn't forget. Ok la, I'm sure he didn't forget because he synced my phone calendar to his phone.

Plans for today? Nothing much. Can't go out because it's a weekday and I'm sure Aliyah has got homework. Perhaps this weekend. And I still have not bought him a present yet. Urrgghh, nak bagi apa yek? Tak ada idea dah.


Anonymous said…
Alhamdulillah! Semoga Allah kurniakan Iman, Taqwa, Rezeki dan Keberkatan yang bertambah to you sefamily. My salam and best wishes to Fairuz too. In a few days, will be my 22 wedding annivessary :)
Aniza said…
Thank you for the wishes... And have a wonderful 22nd anniversary! Wishing you the same for both of you plus many more years of happiness.