Penat jugak hantar and tunggu anak kat sekolah ni. We registered Aliyah on Tuesday. Nothing much just paying fees lepas tu balik. The next day was the real thing. First thing we took her to the assembly field for her first assembly and watched her from afar. Good thing a few of her friends from kindy were there too. Then, they marched to class. Ada pulak tour of the school. Quite good program they have for the Standard 1 kids. But the school seriously is overwhelming for them. Like after recess when we watched her lost in the midst of the other kids. Terpinga-pinga tak tau nak pegi mana. Cikgu tu pun satu, makan la cepat sikit. Dah loceng tak habis mengunyah lagi. Kesian budak-budak cari Cikgu tak jumpa.
Anyway, we are quite satisfied with the school. And my ex-colleague Shahrom is now a teacher there. So, dah suruh dia tengok-tengokkan. Lagipun, my sister-in-law and my two nieces work there too. Azah and Ummu now kerja kat canteen and Atiqah works at the bookshop. So, I'm not so worried. Today I had deadline, so hubby yang tunggu dia and she did very well. Masa recess, dia turun dgn bekal dia and duduk makan dgn geng dia. Pas tu balik sekolah she went straight to the guard house and searched for "Tok Din" yang bwk van sekolah. Hubby watched her from a distance, dia tak perasan pun.
It's the sekolah agama we were not satisfied with. Kadang-kadang naik angin juga dgn orang yang kerja kat tempat2 yg ada word "agama" tapi kerja tak guna sifat2 agama. Sorry, but I really have to say this sebab selalu jumpa. We went to register Aliyah very early ie 2pm. School starts at 2.30pm. We have to go around the class to find her name at the doors. OKla, tak pa. Then hubby politely asked whether we can pay next week. We wanted to try the school for a few days and then only decide whether nak masukkan Aliyah kat situ ke tak. The Ustazah said OK. Then hubby asked what time school ends that day, she said 5.30pm. We wonder la juga pasal sekolah kebangsaan on registration day kids can go back right after parents registered and paid the fees. So, we waited. Ingatkan ada program suai-kenal ka, apa ka. But we saw the queue was really long. Tak pa, tunggu juga. Aliyah dah resah. She can't find her friends and the kids in her class mcm brutal sikit. We waited until 5pm (school ends at 5.30), and still nothing happened. Last-last, we took Aliyah home. All the while the Ustazah memang aware that many parents were around wondering whether nak take back kids or not, tapi buat tak tau je.
I mean, registration happens every year, takkan tak learn from lesson. Why do you make the parents and children wait while you settle the fees collection. And for nothing. Kalau tahu every year nak collect duit tu lama, why can't you tell the parents to take the children home. Next day baru la start class. Ni kesian budak2 (and mak2 & bapak2 budak) yang dok tunggu.
We decided to pull Aliyah out of the school. Nak belajar agama tak semestinya kat sekolah tu. It's become a culture for the kids at my kampung to attend the school but it's seriously inconvenient. Kesian kat budak2. Balik sekolah from morning school dah dekat 1.30pm. Makan, mandi, etc 2pm dah kena tunggu van for sekolah agama pulak. Balik from sekolah agama dah dekat 6pm. There goes their childhood. I don't know abt other parents, but I don't want Aliyah to lead that kind of life. She should have more time to play, read, etc. Just have fun. Now we are trying for alternative. Tgh cari kelas agama ie 3 times a week or weekends for her. Classes yg flexible sikit. Now tengah dalam proses menepis questions from people - "Tak hantar pegi sekolah agama?".
Anyway, sempatla ambik gambar dia kat sekolah tu. Comel sgt dia pakai tudung.

Anyway, we are quite satisfied with the school. And my ex-colleague Shahrom is now a teacher there. So, dah suruh dia tengok-tengokkan. Lagipun, my sister-in-law and my two nieces work there too. Azah and Ummu now kerja kat canteen and Atiqah works at the bookshop. So, I'm not so worried. Today I had deadline, so hubby yang tunggu dia and she did very well. Masa recess, dia turun dgn bekal dia and duduk makan dgn geng dia. Pas tu balik sekolah she went straight to the guard house and searched for "Tok Din" yang bwk van sekolah. Hubby watched her from a distance, dia tak perasan pun.
It's the sekolah agama we were not satisfied with. Kadang-kadang naik angin juga dgn orang yang kerja kat tempat2 yg ada word "agama" tapi kerja tak guna sifat2 agama. Sorry, but I really have to say this sebab selalu jumpa. We went to register Aliyah very early ie 2pm. School starts at 2.30pm. We have to go around the class to find her name at the doors. OKla, tak pa. Then hubby politely asked whether we can pay next week. We wanted to try the school for a few days and then only decide whether nak masukkan Aliyah kat situ ke tak. The Ustazah said OK. Then hubby asked what time school ends that day, she said 5.30pm. We wonder la juga pasal sekolah kebangsaan on registration day kids can go back right after parents registered and paid the fees. So, we waited. Ingatkan ada program suai-kenal ka, apa ka. But we saw the queue was really long. Tak pa, tunggu juga. Aliyah dah resah. She can't find her friends and the kids in her class mcm brutal sikit. We waited until 5pm (school ends at 5.30), and still nothing happened. Last-last, we took Aliyah home. All the while the Ustazah memang aware that many parents were around wondering whether nak take back kids or not, tapi buat tak tau je.
I mean, registration happens every year, takkan tak learn from lesson. Why do you make the parents and children wait while you settle the fees collection. And for nothing. Kalau tahu every year nak collect duit tu lama, why can't you tell the parents to take the children home. Next day baru la start class. Ni kesian budak2 (and mak2 & bapak2 budak) yang dok tunggu.
We decided to pull Aliyah out of the school. Nak belajar agama tak semestinya kat sekolah tu. It's become a culture for the kids at my kampung to attend the school but it's seriously inconvenient. Kesian kat budak2. Balik sekolah from morning school dah dekat 1.30pm. Makan, mandi, etc 2pm dah kena tunggu van for sekolah agama pulak. Balik from sekolah agama dah dekat 6pm. There goes their childhood. I don't know abt other parents, but I don't want Aliyah to lead that kind of life. She should have more time to play, read, etc. Just have fun. Now we are trying for alternative. Tgh cari kelas agama ie 3 times a week or weekends for her. Classes yg flexible sikit. Now tengah dalam proses menepis questions from people - "Tak hantar pegi sekolah agama?".
Anyway, sempatla ambik gambar dia kat sekolah tu. Comel sgt dia pakai tudung.

sekolah agama is just a convenience sake for people thinking they have done their responsibility to send their children belajar agama. the real question is what do they learn in the so-called sekolah agama? or it is just a matter of baby-sitting for the parents. hope you will get a better place for your kid utk belajar the real ugama thing.
I'm not against sekolah agama gomen ni. Just that we believe it's too soon for Aliyah to lead that kind of a hectic life. Too many things to adjust to. We just want her to have fun as a kid. Kecik2 dulu I tak masuk sekolah agama, parents hantar pegi mengaji after school, belajar solat, etc kat surau. I'm looking for something like that. Not like the school they have now yang belajar banyak subjects, got exams and homework. She also learn agama at morning school. She'll need to attend kem solat 4 times a year, learn some Arabic, fardhu ain, etc. Ok la tu :)
We always want the best for our kids, but what we feel the best might not be what other ppl have in mind. I just wish ppl have more respect towards other ppl's choices in life.
I like to go against the grains anyway... I suka bila org terbeliak mata when they see me do things differently.