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Things Should Function As It Should

I was driving back from KL to Bangi just now after our seminar and took the Sg Besi to Seremban highway. It was after 5.30pm and the jam is... as usual. Know that furniture expo beside the highway? I've always noticed the gigantic orange chair at the front, but only today I noticed there is a note there that said something like - Malaysian Guinness Book of Records for the Biggest Chair.

I'm actually so sick of all these attempts to be the biggest, longest, highest, etc. Waste of money, effort and most importantly, not well thought of that in the end the attempts look really stupid. (Let's see how the jump at the artic/antartic - which one I don't remember - by the Putera UMNO fares. And while I'm at it, please lah don't waste my hard-earned money I pay for my taxes. Macam nak mati aku kerja pas tu bayar income tax, ko senang2 je spend juta2 buat benda2 tak berfaedah macam tu!)

Anyway, back to the huge chair. The definition of chair is: a piece of furniture used for sitting . In simple terms - a chair is called a chair when a person can sit on it. Functionality -> for sitting. So, does that huge chair at the furniture expo serves as a chair? Certainly not. What is it then? I believe it is a huge porch that is modeled after a chair, or a huge porch that looks like a chair. Functionality -> for cars to pass by, or temporary parking space while you wait for your wife to shop for new furniture.

So, does the chair qualify to be listed in the Malaysian Guinness Book of Records as the biggest chair in the whole wide country? I guess you know the answer.


nahmy said…
alhamdulillah & kudos!... i really do agree with you when come to acknowledging these waste-of-time-and-money achievements. they definitely should be spending the money for better cause. anak yatim ramai, orang miskin pun berlambak, adik-adik kecil yang perlu pembedahan pun ramai...they should be thinking of this. again....bravo sis...keep it up!
Aniza said…
Thanks :) I'm really against all this unless there is some good reasons behind it like doing some scientific research that can contribute to the betterment of Malaysians. Then by all means, use the rakyat's money. Ni kalau nak main2 terjun mcm tu, kat sini pun boleh. Call all the Mat Rempits and see whether they have the balls to jump off a plane. Setakat berlagak dgn motor kapchai tu buat apa. Sorry for the language, tapi angin betul dgn Mat Rempit yang dah semakin melampau nowadays.