Such a meaningful Hari Kebangsaan this year. We have a new Government which obviously is not perfect in many ways but tries so hard to do its best. You can just feel the joy rakyat is celebrating the auspicious day. It's being held at Putrajaya this year (which I always think is the best venue away from the maddening traffic of KL) even us living at the outskirts have felt the excitement leading to the day. For the past week I've been watching fighter jets flying by. If tak nampak pun, can just feel the vibration and hear the sounds!
Today's beautiful Merdeka morning was spent jogging with Hubbs. I did my usual 5K which ended at the retention pond. Lepas tu while waiting for Hubbs to finish his run, I did 4 sets of 20x jumping jacks, 20x wall press (OK, no wall tapi buat kat jambatan), 10x squats and 10x lunges. It's 4 straight days of workout this week 💪.
Try spotting the fighter jet yang sehalus debu 😁! Every time they pass by asyik tak sempat nak whip up my phone to take picture.
Today's beautiful Merdeka morning was spent jogging with Hubbs. I did my usual 5K which ended at the retention pond. Lepas tu while waiting for Hubbs to finish his run, I did 4 sets of 20x jumping jacks, 20x wall press (OK, no wall tapi buat kat jambatan), 10x squats and 10x lunges. It's 4 straight days of workout this week 💪.
Ada penampakan kuning florescent sedang berlari di situ 😄
Less than 50mins 💪
On another note, I'm in the midst of making another pajama set for Nazri's daughter. Ini pajama set yang ke 2. Guna kain cotton yang Jay beli di Vietnam. Seluar dah siap. Hari ni potong top pulak. This time around nak try buat sarung saja no front buttons. Semoga jadi 😅!
The bottom. Kain sangat comfy dan cantik. Wish I had more modal masa Jay pergi Vietnam dulu. Kat sana murah.
Malam ni start jahit. Harap sangat jadi. Sebab tak berapa gemar jahit butang 😑.