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Cerita Friday

Dah dua kali Friday when it's time for Hubby to come back, my day was packed and exhausting. On Friday, Ies, Jay and I went to Ipoh to visit Rozie and her husband Hanizam. Dah plan sejak 2 minggu lepas. Hampir-hampir sahaja cancel sebab I kena attend meeting. Tapi bila fikir balik, I can't ditch my friends. We planned this 2 weeks ago. Meeting I tu last minute and it's supposed to be about the UAT we did on Thursday. The one that turned out to be the worst UAT ever sebab developer tak siapkan kerja. Screw it!

Pagi-pagi I ke Bangi Gateway tunggu Ies fetch. Patutnya jam 9 dah gerak. Tapi biasalah. Dengan dia orang ni mesti ada kejadian tak diduga :). Finally, jam 9.45 gerak menuju Ipoh. Sampai Hospital Ipoh dalam jam 12.30. Tunggu visiting hours start, jumpa Rozie kat ward ICU. We took turns to visit Hanizam. His condition improved a bit but he's still in coma. Hanizam met with an accident a week before puasa. He skidded on his way down from Cameron Highlands on his superbike, got his body slammed to concrete barrier at the road side and landed in the drains. He was OK for the first 3 days, but after that his condition deteriorated.

While we are not really friends with Hanizam, even though he is "budak asrama sebelah", Rozie is a close friend. I was so touched to see how strong she is. I guess after some time she toughened up for the sake of her husband and her son. She has not been home for the past month, spending her time daily at the ICU ward. I pray she stays strong. And that he husband will get well soon.

We went back at 2.45pm. Singgah Tapah beli fruits. Lepas tu I took turn to drive while Ies tidur kat belakang. Good thing Jay is such a good co-pilot yang meng-entertain drivers daripada start journey sampailah balik ke Bangi :). We went back to Bangi Gateway for buka puasa. Ngam-ngam siap berbuka, Hubby's flight touched down. Terus berkejar ke KLIA to fetch him. What a day!
 Masa pergi I yang duduk belakang membongkang :)
 Masa balik Ies pulak membongkang. Co-pilot kat sebelah tu punya banyak idea bercerita. Fuh! Terbeliak bijik mata. Hehehe...
Dalam group asyik cerita pasal waffle A&W kan. Ambik berkat je.
Semoga Rozie diberikan kekuatan dan semangat untuk menghadapi cabaran yang sangat berat ini.
