My experience with Carousell has been excellent. Managed to sell my niece's Guess handbag in just under 3 hours after posting. And, yang paling best, managed to buy Haruki Murakami books below market price from this seller called "Goodxltd". Highly recommended. While Colourless was 2nd hand, and bitten by the seller's pet bunny, "The Strange Library" is brand new. Still wrapped in plastic. And I bought it for RM47 including postage. Retail is RM66.80.
That's what I do with my money. Buy books. I don't shop for clothes or tudungs or shoes or handbags. I need new clothes and my tudungs are out of fashion. Shoes? Not really. Handbag? The one I'm using now has started to peel at the strap. But still usable. Books? Anytime!
I have not finished reading Colourless. Not even 1/4 through. This book is so much thinner. I think I'll keep it at the shop so that I can read when I'm free. Reading at bedtime is no longer a pastime. Mainly because the lighting of my bedside floor lamp is very romantic and not friendly to the eyes :)
That's what I do with my money. Buy books. I don't shop for clothes or tudungs or shoes or handbags. I need new clothes and my tudungs are out of fashion. Shoes? Not really. Handbag? The one I'm using now has started to peel at the strap. But still usable. Books? Anytime!
I have not finished reading Colourless. Not even 1/4 through. This book is so much thinner. I think I'll keep it at the shop so that I can read when I'm free. Reading at bedtime is no longer a pastime. Mainly because the lighting of my bedside floor lamp is very romantic and not friendly to the eyes :)
A very interesting book. Illustrated. It's like having an actual book from a library. Reminds me of Fantastic Beasts by JK Rowling :)