It has been 2 weeks of emotional turmoil. A lot of things going on. Sedih ada, kesal ada, sakit hati ada sikit... Mostly - kesal dan sedih. Both personal and work wise. Tiba-tiba dapat dugaan demi dugaan yang agak berat di bahu. Dalam hati rasa sangat ketat yang tak hilang-hilang, sampai physically betul-betul jadi ketat sampai terpaksa pergi klinik ambil nebulizer. Yup, musim batuk sudah kembali.
Semalam presentation for our last milestone di office baru powers-that-be yang sangat cantik. I looked at the marbles (or are they tiles?) of the floor of the lobby and thought - the cost of the flooring can sponsor many, many of our projects. Or can buy many, many bikes for stock at the shop. Rasa perbezaan langit dan bumi cara berbelanja powers-that-be dengan rakyat marhaen macam I.
Presentation outcome - personally, not so good. Not our fault. We have worked our best, done our best. We wanted to be the pioneer and we still are, though this time around, even though technology is there, content availability dampens our effort. Legally, we have complied. But then now it is up to the people who has the power, whether they want to accept it or not. The only thing we can do now is pray. Pray hard.
At the same time, while I was swarmed with trying to find solution for this, a lot of going-ons gave a bit of headache. I personally don't really care much. The only thing in my mind is my mother. That's all. My only regret is - why can't people be honest. Jujur. Dan ikhlas. Those are the traits that I value. Jujur dan ikhlas.