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Cuti Tak Ke Mana...

Cuti kali ni tak ke mana-mana... Kesian jugak dengan Aliyah. Tapi, nak buat macam mana kan. Payment semuanya sangkut. Bila follow-up - akan usahakan very soon. "Very soon" is very subjective. Can be one day, one week, one month... Alhamdulillah, Aliyah is very understanding. This week dia sangat rajin ikut ke kedai. At least hati tak lah risau sangat. Dia suka bukan apa - kat kedai food is abundance. There's the gerai at corner near Asik Maju yang jual the most awesome goreng pisang and kuih-kuih. A bakery just opened a few weeks ago, so kerjanya asyik pegi beli cookies.

So, plan untuk girls' getaway with Aunty Linda terpaksa dibatalkan. Plannya adalah untuk hop into Linda's car and drive north to Penang. No itinerary, no fixed place to go, just drive and enjoy the journey. Agak-agak hari dah nak petang, cari tempat nak stay. Adventurous gitu. Sigh... let's see if we can get the payment within these 2 weeks. Asalkan before bulan puasa, boleh lagi.
