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Sesi Mendengar...

For the past month, every working/school day I would go over to my parents' place to send food. Either I cook or I buy. I would put lauk-lauk for my father in the kitchen (I bought a few nice plastic containers of various sizes, of the same colour, at Giant just for that purpose) and then bring food for my mother at her room, also in matching plastic container. And the scenario would be almost the same every single day.

She would either be taking her nap (I would give salam and she would wake up in surprise saying she was just looking out the window waiting for me) or she would be already waiting. I would open the container, put a spoon in it and give it to her. She would fuss - saying "susah susah je, etc". She would eat a few spoonfuls and put the food on her small table, saying she would eat more later. And she would say - she eats bit by bit and will finish it up by evening.

I would sit next to her and listen. Nowadays, talking really is not advisable, unless she asks a question. Because her hearing is not as good as before. And my mother would talk - topics can range from some cows that came into the compound, about people she saw on the street (from sitting on her bed), to people who came to see her. Each story would be repeated at least 5-6 times. And each time I would say - "Iya?" and smile or grin. Then, she would remember the food and complimented - "Tak sedap lah nasi goreng ni!", taking a few more spoonfuls (it's a compliment!). She would make jokes like - "kalau tak keras, habis semua mak makan!". I will ask - "apa yang keras?". She would reply - "plastik ni!" - referring to the container. It's the same joke she makes every day.

At some point she would ask where Aliyah is. At school I would say. That I had just sent her to school. It might sound like a shouting match as I told her Aliyah is in afternoon session, she eats lunch at home, that I cook for her and my father because I cook lunch for Aliyah and Fairuz anyway... It would take some effort to make her understand. And she would ask again the next day...

Then, she would repeat her stories. And I would listen. 

I would sit with my mother for 15-20 minutes. Just listening. At 1pm, I would ask if she needs anything so that I can bring her the next day. Then, I would excuse myself, kiss her goodbye and promise to come back the next day. She never fails to say her thanks for the food - "susah-susah je...". She would sit watching me drive away from the window, and I would look back from my rear mirror with a heavy heart.

Today, she showed me her "collections" of minyak angin, and said she's having her regular "angin". I said I was having it too. My stomach didn't feel good. She asked what I put on. After an exhaustive repeats of the ointment, she said, "tiger balm?". Yes!, I said. Tiger balm. It's actually something else. And she asked me to buy her the balm since I was using it. I then took one of the minyak angin and applied some to her stomach. Really. She has a good "collection" of minyak angin. Just need someone to help her apply them on her. 

I drove back to the shop with tears streaming down my cheeks. I thank Allah to be given the chance to at least do just a little bit to care for her. Even it's just cooking her food and listening to her ramblings.  
