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Foot Prints...

I was browsing my photo folders on my laptop today looking for old photos of Aliyah. I just bought photobookmart voucher on Groupon and plan to create one album just for her - from birth till now. Click punya click punya click, terbuka satu folder yang I sebenarnya tak nak buka sampai bila-bila. The images I captured are for... lesson learned perhaps. Or shall I say - future reference. Or a painful reminder of how bad words hurled to me, once upon a time. Yes, I captured the FB screenshots.

Kalau kita berjalan kat tepi beach, our foot prints will be left behind. Sooner or later, a wave can sweep the foot prints away, and nothing will be left. Not even a memory. Tapi, on the Internet, words are not foot prints left on a beach. Capture the words as screenshots and they will remain forever.

Perhaps it was not by chance that I stumbled upon the folder today, especially now Syaaban is here. Soon it will be Ramadhan and then Syawal. I guess the heart just wanted to be reminded why things happen the way they did.
