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After Dark

After finishing re-reading Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted, dah kehabisan buku untuk dibaca. So, geledah bookshelf and started to read Murakami's Norwegian Wood. It is such a depressing book actually but beautiful. Anyway, yesterday Aliyah and I spent the day at my Kak Long's place. Took the day off for Aliyah to spend time with her Mak Long. Went to Paradigm Mall - beli hadiah untuk Abang Ijam (his birthday was last 6th June), teman Mak Longnya beli kasut, lunch... Singgah di Popular and surprised to see they carry Murakami's books. Even though tak banyak but I found one I have not read - After Dark (2004). So, now reading 2 Murakami books at the same time!
