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3 Irritating Things About FB Status/Comments

I use FB daily. In fact, that's my main source of news. But then, here are 3 things about people's status updates or comments that really irritate me.

1. Status cari perhatian
Tidakkah anda naik hangin kalau baca status cari perhatian macam "Please pray for me...", or "How I wish..." or "Rindu lah kat...". Boleh tak habiskan ayat tu? Kalau nak mintak kawan-kawan doakan, then tell la nak doa untuk apa - sihat dari sakit ke... ditimpa musibah ke... then, kawan-kawan boleh la doakan. Or kalau dah rindu sangat tu, tulis je la rindu kat sapa. Rindu kat boyfren ke, kat mak kat kampung ke, kat ayam dalam reban ke... Bukan apa, lepas tu mula lah semua orang dok comment. Bila cakap boyfren marah pulak.

2. Comment cari pasal
Yes, people love posting the pictures of the food they eat. I have no problem with that. I actually suka tengok gambar delicious food - ie makan kat mana or masak sendiri ke. Nampak sedap sangat... But I have problem with people who comment on the pictures with words like "Sedapnya... nak sikit!" or "Tapau sikit boleh?" or anything along that line. Kau tu duduk kat Kelantan, orang yang makan tu duduk kat JB. Nak sikit apanya?

3. Comment cari nahas
One of the main uses of status updates is to tell people where you are. Naturally. Tapi tak ke menyampah bila letak status "makan kat rumah so and so or kat restaurant ABC" ada orang comment - "tak ajak I pun!" or "kenapa tak ajak I?". Hello, if you are worthy of being invited, you would have been invited in the first place. Or memang la cari nahas kalau kau tu duduk kat Kelantan, orang tu pegi kenduri kat JB.

Sabar je lah...
