Aliyah was not in so good mood on Friday because we had to cancel spending the weekend at her Mak Long's place. So both of us planned a short jalan-jalan to Zoo Negara on Saturday - since she's been pestering us to go there ever since her school trip last year. My last visit there was during my schooling days - that was ages and ages ago. On Saturday, armed with egg sandwiches and currypuffs, we went to the zoo! I had very low expectation - memories of my last visit there were mostly of smelly place and sick looking animals.
Aliyah at the Ape Centre... This is something new - there were 2 places of chimps and orang utan with their names and characteristics. Seems the zoo has started to inject some fun elements. Dulu-dulu so serious.
It was hot, so beli topi :). We stopped for lunch near the aquarium. The food? Very so-so. But then who would want to eat at the zoo right? We had our little picnic here. The aquarium - quite good with huge, huge, huge fish.
Tired and sweaty faces! We walked all the way at first. It was so hot. Then, after we had walked a full circle around the zoo, we took the tram. Very friendly driver. Imagine - he was the one who offered to take a picture for us. This kind of service even in Malaysia is very rare!
The animal show at the amphitheater. Quite good la... Aliyah loves the show and wants to come back.
However, I was wrong. The place has improved tremendously, the zoo was very clean and not that smelly! From the moment we arrived till the time we departed, we had such good experience especially with the staff. There were smiles and assistance along the way. Even the cleaning people were friendly! I stopped to ask this cleaning guy about a small wallaby I saw amongst the trees at the emu cage which I thought was lost and the guy actually spent time telling me that's the place the wallaby loves to wander and showed more small wallabies at the opposite side. And I'm talking about a cleaning guy!
Pegi zoo tak sah kalau tak amik gambar gajah kan... That building at the back looked exactly the same from my visit ages ago!

We were there from 11am to almost 4pm. That long! We walked to the exit and there was a note at the top: "Anda datang sebagai pelawat, anda pulang sebagai kawan". That described exactly how we felt. We will definitely come back :)