The kitties are already one month old. So cute and naughty. Rasa macam bela anak kecik pulak kat rumah. Now when I'm in the kitchen or doing laundry must always be careful. Sebab they like to hover around my legs. Takut terpijak!
We plan to give away two for adoption. Too many to take care off, nanti rumah jadi huru-hara. Anybody interested can contact me :). Anyway, fyi we have changed their names.
Female: Eecah @ Aishah. This is the smallest of all. Mula2 Aliyah bagi nama "Luna" but then she said cute macam Aishah anak Mak Ngah dia! Hehehe...
Female: Julie. Second biggest. Macam Catwoman. The only one that has not started eating yet.
Male: Miki. Mula2 Hubby bagi nama Kimi [Raikkonen]. Memang laju pun! But then susah sikit nak sebut. He's the first to eat, the biggest and fastest. But his legs a bit cacat - macam weak. Hope he'll get better or adapt to the deformity. Still - very cute.
We plan to give away two for adoption. Too many to take care off, nanti rumah jadi huru-hara. Anybody interested can contact me :). Anyway, fyi we have changed their names.
