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Cockroach vs Parang-Yielding Lady

The night before my encounter with the parang-yielding lady, I was watching TV at my sister's place while Aliyah was at the dining table playing games on my notebook. Suddenly my sister grabbed the spray and sprayed something on the wall. It happened to be a huge cockroach (or so I thought - with me all cockroaches are huge!). The cockroach flew up the wall and then dropped behind the cabinet. Aliyah, who was sitting directly below the cockroach, cowed a bit, while I simply jumped to my feet and dashed to the door.

I am thinking of my reactions to the encounters with the cockroach and the parang-yielding lady. Know what, I will risk my life for my beloved daughter anytime. At the Mamak restaurant, despite my trembling hands, I leaned over to my daughter grabbing her chair anticipating any crazy actions the lady might take. I was prepared to push my daughter under the table and face the parang myself. I had all that mentally planned in my head.

But under the attack of a huge big flying cockroach - Aliyah dear, Mommy is so very sorry. You would have to fend for yourself!
