Our herbs and veges are thriving. The mint plant has spread all over the Edible Garden. The rosemary has also flourished. So are the kesum plants. We read there is a Car Boot sale near our place every Sunday. Even though we have not visited it yet, Hubby suggested an awesome idea - why not we grow our herbs and sell them there. Just for fun. I walked around our garden and realised that we actually do have quite a lot of edible plants! So, I have started to grow the edible plants that we have into small pots. One or two plants per day. I need more soil and pots.
The peria/kambas... Only one. Good thing the white flies are not around. Should be able to pick this, say Friday. Goreng dengan ikan bilis cili api sedappp...
My project: the small pots of mint, misai kucing and pokok kari. I have no idea how to grow the basil and rosemary yet. Next in line - lengkuas, halia, pegaga and kunyit. Daun pandan? Maybe not lah. But we have this huge huge bunch of it. Anyway, if you are interested, I can give these away for free.
Terung. Still very small. I have two of this plant and they don't seem to survive at first. But for some strange reasons, the white flies went away and then we get this.
