We celebrated my Kak Long and youngest niece Azwa birthday yesterday. They share the same birthdate. There are 2 more sharing of birthdates in our family - me and my brother Angah, and my anak sedara Wani and Along Iwan. Anyway, the celebration was supposed to be a surprise party for my sister. My nephew Nizam asked last week if we have any plans for his Mom's birthday. Since I have very soft spot for this nephew of mine, I organised. But then the night before, my Kak Long smsed saying she won't be coming back. Punya la kelam kabut I contacted Nizam. Finally he had to tell so that my sister would come back. So much for a surprise party!
For a gathering not organised by my Kak Long, the turnout was quite good. All my siblings were back. That matters. Yang 3rd generation tu, tak pa lah. It was a BBQ. On Friday I got the stuff from Giant - lamb chops and chicken and got them marinated. No seafood this time. Malas nak mengerjakan udang and sotong. I cooked spaghetti (sebab senang), potatoes, got my Kak Lang to make karipap and meehoon goreng. Lia and Abg Ben came bringing Laksa Johor (favourite akak tu!) and pudding. And to top that, I got Nizam to buy birthday cake. In the end, there was so much food!
My father baca doa selamat...
The birthday girls. 52 years apart! Hehehe...
Food, food, food... Tu belum masuk the BBQs.
The BBQ man.
My parents.
For a gathering not organised by my Kak Long, the turnout was quite good. All my siblings were back. That matters. Yang 3rd generation tu, tak pa lah. It was a BBQ. On Friday I got the stuff from Giant - lamb chops and chicken and got them marinated. No seafood this time. Malas nak mengerjakan udang and sotong. I cooked spaghetti (sebab senang), potatoes, got my Kak Lang to make karipap and meehoon goreng. Lia and Abg Ben came bringing Laksa Johor (favourite akak tu!) and pudding. And to top that, I got Nizam to buy birthday cake. In the end, there was so much food!

Last night Nizam sms me - thanking me for all the effort of organising his Mama's birthday. Very much welcomed :).
More pix at Azlan's Blog.
More pix at Azlan's Blog.