Besides her Atok, Tok Ya and Abang Nizam, Aliyah's Mak Ngah Mas and Nenek Melaka also gave her some cash for her birthday. We limited her spending to only RM50 and deposited the rest into her bank account. She must have accumulated quite some cash by now. All the money she gets from her grandparents and uncles and aunties I make sure she save up. Even the few bucks every other week that my father gives her as tokens after he sells off bananas from our kebun pisang (err... my kebun pisang!) and the recycled plastics and aluminum can (and err... I collected those!), I would save up for her.
I would keep until there's at least RM50 and bank-in. And true to her name (Aliyah Maisarah = ketinggian kekayaan) she actually is very "murah rezeki". Alhamdulillah... and she's very thrifty too. Albeit having weak knees at the stationery section of a bookstore.
Anyway, she got to spend on her rollerblades gear: a helmet and palm, elbows and knee guards. Quite cheap actually. But she's ready to rollerblade!

I would keep until there's at least RM50 and bank-in. And true to her name (Aliyah Maisarah = ketinggian kekayaan) she actually is very "murah rezeki". Alhamdulillah... and she's very thrifty too. Albeit having weak knees at the stationery section of a bookstore.
Anyway, she got to spend on her rollerblades gear: a helmet and palm, elbows and knee guards. Quite cheap actually. But she's ready to rollerblade!
