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New Ventures

Things have been hectic for the past 2 weeks. Finally this translation work has passed the critical stage - stage 2. Now there are less than 200 pages more to go. So, even though I still makan translation, tido translation, at least things look brighter. The end is near. I always ensure that my projects are completed within timeline. Kalau salah client tak apa, jangan salah kita. And kalau salah client tapi kita pun sama menumpang salah, pun tak apa. Can always blame it on the client! Hehehe... Payment is on the way. Alhamdulillah...

There are a couple more reasons for such hectic days. My adrenalin rush has been at the maximum level for the past few weeks. One - we have this idea that we are actively pursuing. It is still at the idea stage but progressing well. Insyaallah if things are well, it will be our main source of steady income. I pray this will be a reality. My motivation is Aliyah. I must do this for her. She is the source of this idea and inspiration. At times when my energy is low and felt like just letting go, maybe for just a moment, I always think of her, and I picked up pace again.

And to support the effort above, we have paid for deposit and rent of a new office. It's in Bandar Seri Putra - like 4 times the size of our current office. We just got the keys yesterday. It's such a huge step. With all these plans, the move is necessary. Now I'm planning for financial assistance to renovate and buy equipment. (To my co sec Abang Ben - now you know the news, hehehe... need your help with the documentations!).

When I started this company I only wanted a small venture for myself to work on my own. But now that I started to have people joining and excellent partners around me, I guess the most logical way is to move on. Baby steps though, but going forward. At times I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing. But then, I have to try to do the right thing. It might give me gray hair most of the time, but believe it or not, I do enjoy it.

Wish me luck!
