I usually cook simple food. Nothing too fancy with more than 10 ingredients in them. Nothing that requires me to slave over the stove for hours. I have too much to do and so little time. I usually cook something that is fast to prepare and which I can leave to simmer or roast in the oven while I work at my mini notebook. Tapi always yummy OK :).
I'm so glad my little family is always so appreciative and thankful and supportive. Like this evening, Hubby came down after mengajar Aliyah mengaji and said, "Sedapnya bau...". Two minutes lates, Aliyah came down and said, "waaahhh sedapnya bau...". Padahal, I tengah masak or actually tengah saute some garlic then poured baked beans into a pan with a dash of black pepper. Just that. (We actually had breakfast food for dinner today!). Nothing can beat those - "thank you Mommy", "sedap Mommy masak" remarks by both of them. Hilang terus penat I.
I actually nak post pic of my first bread I made yesterday for dinner. A few times I watched Jamie Oliver masak this bread that has soft boiled eggs, other "stuff" and cheese in it, then rolled the bread and joined the ends to look like a giant donut. Looked simple enough. So, yesterday I made the bread (normal recipe you can find anywhere), used the things I have in the fridge as the stuffing - sauteed some garlic and onions, chopped carrots and sausages, add soft boiled eggs and shredded some cheddar cheese. I rolled it but couldn't join the ends because my bread was short and thick.
The result - tastes quite nice actually. Home-made bread are normally not as soft and fluffy as the ones you buy. This one is like french bread - with crust but soft inside. Must eat immediately. Next time must reduce the portion into half sebab besar sangat tak habis we all tiga beranak makan. And maybe add mushroom and more cheese.
I'm so glad my little family is always so appreciative and thankful and supportive. Like this evening, Hubby came down after mengajar Aliyah mengaji and said, "Sedapnya bau...". Two minutes lates, Aliyah came down and said, "waaahhh sedapnya bau...". Padahal, I tengah masak or actually tengah saute some garlic then poured baked beans into a pan with a dash of black pepper. Just that. (We actually had breakfast food for dinner today!). Nothing can beat those - "thank you Mommy", "sedap Mommy masak" remarks by both of them. Hilang terus penat I.
I actually nak post pic of my first bread I made yesterday for dinner. A few times I watched Jamie Oliver masak this bread that has soft boiled eggs, other "stuff" and cheese in it, then rolled the bread and joined the ends to look like a giant donut. Looked simple enough. So, yesterday I made the bread (normal recipe you can find anywhere), used the things I have in the fridge as the stuffing - sauteed some garlic and onions, chopped carrots and sausages, add soft boiled eggs and shredded some cheddar cheese. I rolled it but couldn't join the ends because my bread was short and thick.

You just reminded me of the authentic calzone [kal-zo-nei] I used to get when I lived in San Donato Milanese. It's bread dough filled with a few eggs, mushrooms, spinach and basil, and cheese. Just like yours. It is called Calzone Vesuvius (sempena the volcano) because the soft-boiled eggs would still be runny when you sink your knife or teeth through the bread.
Ohhhh divine!
I like the idea of having 'breakfast food' for dinner. Healthy, no goreng-goreng with minyak berlinangan.
You go girl!
Breakfast food for dinner is great isn't it? Baked beans, eggs (sunny side up) and some toasts taste so yummy especially when you had nasi kandar for lunch and felt so guilty eating the fried chicken with the crispy skin.