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I Need a Holiday!

I have been working like crazy since after Raya right till now. Penattt... I think I've been working 7 days a week for the past 3 weeks. We finally completed this user manual we've been doing for the past 2 weeks. Total no of pages: 222! Tebal tu. Adoiyai, siang malam buat user manual, sitting on my bum until rasa bum I dah expand a few inches dah nih!

Now I'm moving on to this sebutharga pulak. Need to send tomorrow. Lepas tu nak brainstorm next year's trainings pulak. Lepas tu nak propose 2nd phase kat client pulak, lepas tu, lepas tu... asyik ada lepassss tuuu je. I am so so tired. I really need a holiday. But financial wise - not a good time. We are in the middle of projects now, so kena simpan duit. Kesian kat Aliyah, this holidays tak pegi jalan2 lagi. Mommy and Abah asyik busy je. I'm thinking maybe this coming holidays we can just go visit places yang dekat-dekat ni je. Maybe boleh pegi waterfall ka, bird park ka... Should be fun too rite?

But, I still need my holiday. My holiday needs to be by a beach. Where I can just sit and read, and feel the sea water crashing at my feet, and get my heart healed (nice rhyme huh!). My good friend Yatt ajak pegi holiday lagi. We have yet to plan, but she mentioned Vietnam or Bali. I so lurve Bali. There are still many places we have not gone yet on that magical island. We are getting together to ngopi this weekend to discuss.

Just a hop down the memory lane... A few "unpublished photos" of our trip last year. What a trip! We had so much fun, doing things we crazy women do. (Know anybody who love going hotel hopping? We do!)
Yatt & me last year at Pura Uluwatu. Amazing cliff. Muka we all dah berminyak2 satu hari merayau.
At one of the silver factories we visited.
At Uluwatu Culture Park. Amazing man-made rock features.
Nothing can beat this sunset!
