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School Holidays Has Started

School holidays has started. Today I memontengkan Aliyah. She finished her August test yesterday and I was thinking sure today tak belajar sangat. She's been very lazy to go to school lately, then I mintak Atok dia "jampikan" biar dia rajin sikit. Now dia dah rajin sikit, I lak yang memalaskan dia.

This morning, she woke up at 7.30am, realized it was late and rushed to my room. "Mommy, mommy, kena tak kejut Aliyah!". I told her, Mommy bagi Aliyah ponteng today and I will teach her at the office. Terus tersengih punya happy and mintak roti & nutella for breakfast.

So, next whole week she'll be with me at the office like the past holidays. Hmm.. maybe can arrange trip to the zoo my with cucu sedara Haris...
