I tried blogging twice the past few days but the stoopid Streamyx service is always, always getting on my nerves. Dah penat complain. Our phone bill has long list of 100 numbers, and the calls don't come cheap. Since dah letih complain and service is as terrible as ever, macam ni lah ya orang-orang yang bekerja di TM - we pay our bills on time, the money you collect from us goes to your account, which is used to pay for your salary including bonuses. If your service is not good, say service is down for 3-4 days in a month and we still have to pay for that days which we actually didn't get Internet connection, then I strongly believe that you actually are not entitled to that amount of money for that 3-4 days. However, since you people don't really care about your customers where we still need to pay anyway despite not getting the service, and you use the money to pay for salary and bonuses, I strongly believe that the money is actually haram because I memang tak halalkan. Jadi, kalau duit gaji beli susu anak ka, bagi anak bini makan ka... Lu pikir la sendiri!
Anyway, last week Aliyah malas pegi sekolah. Macam mak dia je ada Monday blues. So, last Monday ponteng. The week before pun tak sekolah juga - demam + malas. On Tuesday I paksa juga dia pegi sekolah. She was crying in the car, saying classmates dia bully. One by the name of Aishah likes to take her stuff, while the other Eliza likes to grab her hands and pull her. Since she told me all these, takkan I nak biar saja kan. I don't want Aliyah to think I don't take her words seriously. So, that morning I took her hand and take her straight to her class. I told her if she sees Aishah or Eliza, tell me so that I warn those girls not to bother her.
On the way up to her class Aliyah pointed to a girl - she said that's Eliza. I expected a big fat girl with naughty face. Tengok-tengok, alahai... Comel je budaknya, kecik macam my daughter with shy smile waving at Aliyah. Ni ke pembuli nye? So I told the girl - "Eliza ya, lain kali jangan tarik tangan Aliyah kuat-kuat ya". She just nodded showing missing front teeth. Cutenye budak ni. Then I took Aliyah to her class. I told Aliyah that girl just wanted to play with her. Aliyah can be so very sensitive at times. She came back that evening telling me Eliza said sorry to her.
We - me and Linda got a huge cupcake order last week. I conducted training on Monday and Tuesday. Then spent Wednesday and Thursday making cupcakes for a restaurant. We got an order of 1000 cupcakes! I thought we would never make it considering we only have 2 "amateur" ovens. But we made it! We delivered by 7.10pm on Thursday. It was so tiring. Like I said before, cupcake business tak lah menguntungkan sangat. I can do Web consultation or training for a couple of days that can pay for my whole month expenses. The cupcake pays just a fraction of my car's petrol. But it's an honest job that we both do with enthusiasm and love. Hehee... That's why our cupcake tastes good. Because we both love eating them!
Anyway, last week Aliyah malas pegi sekolah. Macam mak dia je ada Monday blues. So, last Monday ponteng. The week before pun tak sekolah juga - demam + malas. On Tuesday I paksa juga dia pegi sekolah. She was crying in the car, saying classmates dia bully. One by the name of Aishah likes to take her stuff, while the other Eliza likes to grab her hands and pull her. Since she told me all these, takkan I nak biar saja kan. I don't want Aliyah to think I don't take her words seriously. So, that morning I took her hand and take her straight to her class. I told her if she sees Aishah or Eliza, tell me so that I warn those girls not to bother her.
On the way up to her class Aliyah pointed to a girl - she said that's Eliza. I expected a big fat girl with naughty face. Tengok-tengok, alahai... Comel je budaknya, kecik macam my daughter with shy smile waving at Aliyah. Ni ke pembuli nye? So I told the girl - "Eliza ya, lain kali jangan tarik tangan Aliyah kuat-kuat ya". She just nodded showing missing front teeth. Cutenye budak ni. Then I took Aliyah to her class. I told Aliyah that girl just wanted to play with her. Aliyah can be so very sensitive at times. She came back that evening telling me Eliza said sorry to her.
We - me and Linda got a huge cupcake order last week. I conducted training on Monday and Tuesday. Then spent Wednesday and Thursday making cupcakes for a restaurant. We got an order of 1000 cupcakes! I thought we would never make it considering we only have 2 "amateur" ovens. But we made it! We delivered by 7.10pm on Thursday. It was so tiring. Like I said before, cupcake business tak lah menguntungkan sangat. I can do Web consultation or training for a couple of days that can pay for my whole month expenses. The cupcake pays just a fraction of my car's petrol. But it's an honest job that we both do with enthusiasm and love. Hehee... That's why our cupcake tastes good. Because we both love eating them!