Just had my bath after one long and exhaustive day.
I had 2 presentations today. Morning was in Sentul to this bunch of my ex-colleagues who have now become my client. That was a piece of cake. Eksyen sikit sebab it is my area of expertise anyway. So the presentation was effortless, albeit penat jugak la mengexplain and gather requirements. My ex-assistant didn't make it to the meeting. It would have been a longer and more heated discussions especially when I proposed changes as the terms used in that organization are not of international standards. I'll be meeting her on Friday, let's see what she'll say!
One good thing that I'm out of that company is that I have the opportunity to open my mind to more knowledge ie books, websites, forums, discussions, etc. I have time to learn, explore and share. So, boleh la jadi better consultant and trainer. Dulu there was always not enough time hence "otak tak berkembang".
Anyway, right after I rushed to PJ for another presentation to this Government agency. I was invited and need to register as training provider, however, my company's area of expertise is a little bit out of that agency's area so I need to present what we can actually do and how we can be with them. This meeting la yang buat I exhausted. I was supposed to present to this department yang handle training, however, some of them had meetings longer than expected so came in late.
At first I presented to this Tuan Haji and his assistant. Half way through, the Pengarah came with another guy. I dah half way so sorry la nak restart. I handed our files to them and continued. One thing about dealing with "people of authority" is that they will make comments, challenge you and try to change things. Aku dah penat la kan buat syllabus yang topicnya actually came from his staff. So, I need to defend it. Then another person came in, so there I was against 4 people. Macam pegi perang nih.
Anyway, one thing about having my own company is that I am always alone - especially when doing presentations or attending meetings. So, I have to survive no matter what. And one good thing about being a trainer is that you are used to getting impromptu questions that got your brains spinning like a flying saucer. You need to answer - fast, precise and without hesitation. If you need time to think over, you still need to speak - anything along that line and when you finally get the answer, it should be seamless like it's always been there at the tip of your tongue.
And one thing I learned after my limited encounters with people of authority is this: when they start to question you like they are trying to undermine your capabilities because they know they are of power and you are not, and also when they see that you are a woman (ok, I am a bit sexist but this happens to me often) here's what you should do - throw the ball back to them. The Pengarah said something about nobody knows the behavior of this particular group of people and said he doesn't think what I proposed would work. First, you need to agree (no matter what). Then throw the ball back to their court - "however, I believe that your organization is in the best position to research on this and be the champion. I am sure the answer will prove to be beneficial and interesting". But... don't pause even a second because the people of authority will interject with defense ie we don't have resources ka, budget ka, etc. Straight away continue and defend your case.
I then see the people of power's faces started to soften and then began to agree with what I said. Put a little bit humor in between and at the end, the result was positive. Then another Pengarah came in pulak just to check on things. I've met him before once and I know he's on my side. But remarked - "you datang sorang saja?". I've received that remarks quite often. Ye la, I kan sorang je buat everything. They always expect you to come in force. And again I think it's because I'm a woman. What? Nampak macam tak capable ke?
In the end, after coffee and karipap and kuih bom, they all went off and the Tuan Haji said - the boss seems to accepted my company registration and if all goes well I'll be getting my letter of appointment soon. Alhamdulillah...
I had 2 presentations today. Morning was in Sentul to this bunch of my ex-colleagues who have now become my client. That was a piece of cake. Eksyen sikit sebab it is my area of expertise anyway. So the presentation was effortless, albeit penat jugak la mengexplain and gather requirements. My ex-assistant didn't make it to the meeting. It would have been a longer and more heated discussions especially when I proposed changes as the terms used in that organization are not of international standards. I'll be meeting her on Friday, let's see what she'll say!
One good thing that I'm out of that company is that I have the opportunity to open my mind to more knowledge ie books, websites, forums, discussions, etc. I have time to learn, explore and share. So, boleh la jadi better consultant and trainer. Dulu there was always not enough time hence "otak tak berkembang".
Anyway, right after I rushed to PJ for another presentation to this Government agency. I was invited and need to register as training provider, however, my company's area of expertise is a little bit out of that agency's area so I need to present what we can actually do and how we can be with them. This meeting la yang buat I exhausted. I was supposed to present to this department yang handle training, however, some of them had meetings longer than expected so came in late.
At first I presented to this Tuan Haji and his assistant. Half way through, the Pengarah came with another guy. I dah half way so sorry la nak restart. I handed our files to them and continued. One thing about dealing with "people of authority" is that they will make comments, challenge you and try to change things. Aku dah penat la kan buat syllabus yang topicnya actually came from his staff. So, I need to defend it. Then another person came in, so there I was against 4 people. Macam pegi perang nih.
Anyway, one thing about having my own company is that I am always alone - especially when doing presentations or attending meetings. So, I have to survive no matter what. And one good thing about being a trainer is that you are used to getting impromptu questions that got your brains spinning like a flying saucer. You need to answer - fast, precise and without hesitation. If you need time to think over, you still need to speak - anything along that line and when you finally get the answer, it should be seamless like it's always been there at the tip of your tongue.
And one thing I learned after my limited encounters with people of authority is this: when they start to question you like they are trying to undermine your capabilities because they know they are of power and you are not, and also when they see that you are a woman (ok, I am a bit sexist but this happens to me often) here's what you should do - throw the ball back to them. The Pengarah said something about nobody knows the behavior of this particular group of people and said he doesn't think what I proposed would work. First, you need to agree (no matter what). Then throw the ball back to their court - "however, I believe that your organization is in the best position to research on this and be the champion. I am sure the answer will prove to be beneficial and interesting". But... don't pause even a second because the people of authority will interject with defense ie we don't have resources ka, budget ka, etc. Straight away continue and defend your case.
I then see the people of power's faces started to soften and then began to agree with what I said. Put a little bit humor in between and at the end, the result was positive. Then another Pengarah came in pulak just to check on things. I've met him before once and I know he's on my side. But remarked - "you datang sorang saja?". I've received that remarks quite often. Ye la, I kan sorang je buat everything. They always expect you to come in force. And again I think it's because I'm a woman. What? Nampak macam tak capable ke?
In the end, after coffee and karipap and kuih bom, they all went off and the Tuan Haji said - the boss seems to accepted my company registration and if all goes well I'll be getting my letter of appointment soon. Alhamdulillah...