My warmest welcome to my newest niece. My sister-in-law, Angah, gave birth to a baby girl last Tuesday. I have yet to get the name. She was born about a month early, couldn't contain herself any longer. I went to visit the little one and just couldn't help but be touched by such a fragile innocent little baby. What great joy to hold a baby in one's arm and catch the little smile.
But if you ask me if I want another child at this moment, the answer is still a "No". I'm very happy with Aliyah Maisarah, my one and only child.
I bet my mother-in-law just can't wait to get the opportunity to drill me another of her sarcastic remark about having another baby. What more with my other sister-in-law, Siti, pregnant and due in 2 months' time.
So what if I only want one child? I'll be the one making the baby, I'll be the one carrying the baby for 9 months, I'll be the one delivering the baby and I'll be the one taking care of the baby. Logically speaking, I'm the best person to decide whether I should have another child or not. I just can't understand why I can't just be left alone. Allah swt bagi manusia choices. And I believe having children is also a choice. You can have 10 if you want, or 5, or 2 or 1 like me, or if you don't want any kids, that's just fine. What's important is if you are a parent, you carry out your duties as good parents.
I might be a parent to an only child, but I also consider myself as a parent to all my nephews and nieces, no matter how big or small they are. I have Wani and Wana who call me Mommy, the two whom I regard as my own children. Wana, who is 4 years old, called me when their kitten died. She asked her mother to put me on the phone so that she can tell me the cat had died and she cried so hard that I cried too. I took Wani along when we went to Aquaria with Aliyah and she proudly called me Mommy so that the people around could hear.
I have my 20+ nephew Miqdam who comes to me once in a while just to talk. He would purposely drive over to my office, see if my car is around and drop by with a newspaper. Then he would just sit in front of me and read. And then he would talk. And then we would have lunch. I have my eldest nephew doing the same thing. Nizam would SMS me just to say Hi, ask my opinion about something, ask me to take Bilberry tablets so that my eyes become better, and when he comes over to my house he would raid my fridge and wallop all the chocolates. He's 27 this year. I have Atiqah, Miqdam's sister who SMS me in the middle of making a cake and asking me why her batter looks funny. I partially funded her college education, I funded her little phone card business, and she asked me whether wearing blue shirt with black pants look OK on her.
That's what parenting is all about, being there for your children, even if they are not your real kids.
I can't stand another sarcastic remark about me having only one child.
I bet my mother-in-law just can't wait to get the opportunity to drill me another of her sarcastic remark about having another baby. What more with my other sister-in-law, Siti, pregnant and due in 2 months' time.
So what if I only want one child? I'll be the one making the baby, I'll be the one carrying the baby for 9 months, I'll be the one delivering the baby and I'll be the one taking care of the baby. Logically speaking, I'm the best person to decide whether I should have another child or not. I just can't understand why I can't just be left alone. Allah swt bagi manusia choices. And I believe having children is also a choice. You can have 10 if you want, or 5, or 2 or 1 like me, or if you don't want any kids, that's just fine. What's important is if you are a parent, you carry out your duties as good parents.
I might be a parent to an only child, but I also consider myself as a parent to all my nephews and nieces, no matter how big or small they are. I have Wani and Wana who call me Mommy, the two whom I regard as my own children. Wana, who is 4 years old, called me when their kitten died. She asked her mother to put me on the phone so that she can tell me the cat had died and she cried so hard that I cried too. I took Wani along when we went to Aquaria with Aliyah and she proudly called me Mommy so that the people around could hear.
I have my 20+ nephew Miqdam who comes to me once in a while just to talk. He would purposely drive over to my office, see if my car is around and drop by with a newspaper. Then he would just sit in front of me and read. And then he would talk. And then we would have lunch. I have my eldest nephew doing the same thing. Nizam would SMS me just to say Hi, ask my opinion about something, ask me to take Bilberry tablets so that my eyes become better, and when he comes over to my house he would raid my fridge and wallop all the chocolates. He's 27 this year. I have Atiqah, Miqdam's sister who SMS me in the middle of making a cake and asking me why her batter looks funny. I partially funded her college education, I funded her little phone card business, and she asked me whether wearing blue shirt with black pants look OK on her.
That's what parenting is all about, being there for your children, even if they are not your real kids.
I can't stand another sarcastic remark about me having only one child.