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Buat Baik Berpada-pada

Kadang-kadang buat baik dengan orang ni masalah juga. Pasal tu orang tua-tua pesan - buat baik berpada-pada.

I have this neighbour. Barulah berkenalan. I kan baru pindah. Balik rumah matahari dah terbenam mana ada masa sangat nak berkenalan dengan neighbours. Anyway, this kakak buat kelas ajar buat biscuits. One day dia datang bawak flyers nak ajak I masuk kelas dia. I ni memang tak minat buat biscuits, buat cake tu minat lah juga. Since baru berkenalan, I pun nak lah tolong dia promote kelas dia, so I volunteered fax kan dia punya info tu to some newspapers.

So I pun suruh lah Linda fax to newspapers yang offer free columns for event promotions. Selang sehari kakak tu call I asking me whether dah publish ke belum. I already told her such columns tengok luck. If they have space, they will publish. I wouldn't know when they will publish the advert. So, dia pun senyap. Sempat tanya I tak nak ke join kelas dia. Actually kan, if I were her, with the help that I gave, I would have given a free seat as a token of appreciation. Never mind... tak minta balasan pun. Ikhlas...

The class was last Sunday. Yesterday I got a call from her early in the morning. I malas nak answer, thinking I would call her back in the afternoon. Then she sent an SMS - asking me to call her to discuss advert, now. Amboi, now? Bila masa pulak aku kerja dengan dia? 1 hour later she called again. And again I didn't answer. Banyak kerja lah. She sent another SMS - if you are free call me.

I called her after lunch. She told me that she's organizing her class every month and asked me to fax the adverts. OK, sabar... I asked her what's the date so that I can revise the previous advert and re-fax. She gave me the date and told me again that the classes will be every month. So, I have to send the adverts for her every month ke? Then she asked when the adverts will come out. I gently told her that I have no control over the adverts because those are free columns. If she pays for them, then can know lah. Oh, macam tu ke?, she said. The way she said it macam I ni tak berapa bagus in getting the info published. Angin kus-kus pun dah naik kan, so I told her - if you have fax machine at home, I can always give you the numbers so you can fax anytime you like. She then paused for a few seconds, I believe I got my message across. She toned down her voice and said she doesn't have fax at home and hope I can help her to send the adverts. I said OK, I'll try and hang up.

Some people...
