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Two Weeks into the Year 2007

It's now 2 weeks into 2007. Let's see - Sarah has started schooling, hubby is still working day and night, and I am still working day and night. Nothing much has changed. New year's resolution? Tak payah lah buat tahun ni - buat penat je pasal takkan achieve pun.

Anyway, now Sarah is in the "real" kindy - she's 6 years old this year. Baru 1 week schooling started dah ponteng sekolah. Sarah and her Mommy has this thing in common - we both hate Mondays. Last Monday she just couldn't open her eyes. Dah kena marah pun tak nak sekolah jugak. OK lah, so we both went back to sleep!

Do you the know the saying that "mothers know everything"? It's true you know. A few nights ago hubby came back from work and asked Sarah whether she is in class 6B. He said that because he saw Sarah's name tag has a "B" written near the number 6. Sarah said she doesn't know. Then both looked at me. I said - Sarah is in class 6 Sunflower. And both actually said, "Oooo...". Then Sarah asked me - "Macam mana Mommy tau?". I know hubby has the very same question in his mind. So I said - "I'm a Mother. Mothers know everything". See, that's why we are superwomen.

Anyway, this 30 January is my 7th wedding anniversary. Let's see if hubby actually remembers.
