My first blog entry using this spanking new Dell machine. Hah, I just got myself a new notebook. And paling membanggakan - bought this with Dextra money. Yup, we actually have some money to spare to buy a notebook. And some more spare for company expenses for the next 2 months. OK la, 2 months is nothing to shout about, but for a small, little company which I started about 6 months ago, this is simply an achievement.
So, that menyakitkan hati FTec will go back to its owners next week. So sick of that notebook yang sesuka hati meng-shut-down dirinya sendiri. Tiba-tiba je screen dah gelap. Apahal la. Tapi got sentimental value lah jugak. It's a small 12.1 inch notebook that I carry around like everywhere.
This machine is a little bit bigger - 14 inch. A little bit thicker and heavier. The colour is silver with white lining. Aisey, white? I prefer the HP sleek looking black notebooks, but hubby always said Dell is better.
Anyway, a little story about this morning. Sarah was so sleepy this morning. So difficult to get her to take her bath. While bathing she actually said she hates waking up so early to go to school. So I asked, "You don't want to go to school?". She said, "No". Haiyo, I've always tried to cheer her up in the mornings, but I just don't feel like melayan her antics this morning, so I resorted to the "typical" mother way - nag. I told her, "Fine, don't have to go to school then. I'll pull you out from the school so you can just stay home and become stupid. You can stay home alone, find your own money to buy your food and milk because Mommy is going to work".
She became angry I think. When I dressed her up she burst into tears. I was not going to give in and pujuk her so I simply let her be. Malas sangat nak layan kerenah dia. But then after she put on her shoes, she suddenly asked me - "Kenapa Mommy sekarang tak tunggu Sarah balik sekolah?". I told her, "Mommy kerja, tak sempat nak tunggu. Mak Usu tu lain, dia tak kerja". She had her pouting lips on. I finally got the message she was trying to tell me. So I asked, "Sarah ingat Mommy tak tunggu maknanya Mommy tak sayang ke?". And she said yes, turned and got into the car.
She was comparing my sister-in-law with me. I know she loves it when I wait for her to come back from school. But I have also told her many times that I have to work. Tak tau lah. She might just be using the excuse to make me feel guilty, or she might actually trying to tell me something. We didn't go anywhere last school holidays despite making her a promise. And lately, both hubby and me have been working like crazy.
At the office, the first thing I did was to book the Crown Princess hotel for a weekend stay this Chinese New Year holiday. I hope there're still rooms available. Then I checked out Awana Kijal and flight tickets for the school holidays. I've always wanted to take her on a flight. I hope we'll have enough money for the trip.
So, that menyakitkan hati FTec will go back to its owners next week. So sick of that notebook yang sesuka hati meng-shut-down dirinya sendiri. Tiba-tiba je screen dah gelap. Apahal la. Tapi got sentimental value lah jugak. It's a small 12.1 inch notebook that I carry around like everywhere.
This machine is a little bit bigger - 14 inch. A little bit thicker and heavier. The colour is silver with white lining. Aisey, white? I prefer the HP sleek looking black notebooks, but hubby always said Dell is better.
Anyway, a little story about this morning. Sarah was so sleepy this morning. So difficult to get her to take her bath. While bathing she actually said she hates waking up so early to go to school. So I asked, "You don't want to go to school?". She said, "No". Haiyo, I've always tried to cheer her up in the mornings, but I just don't feel like melayan her antics this morning, so I resorted to the "typical" mother way - nag. I told her, "Fine, don't have to go to school then. I'll pull you out from the school so you can just stay home and become stupid. You can stay home alone, find your own money to buy your food and milk because Mommy is going to work".
She became angry I think. When I dressed her up she burst into tears. I was not going to give in and pujuk her so I simply let her be. Malas sangat nak layan kerenah dia. But then after she put on her shoes, she suddenly asked me - "Kenapa Mommy sekarang tak tunggu Sarah balik sekolah?". I told her, "Mommy kerja, tak sempat nak tunggu. Mak Usu tu lain, dia tak kerja". She had her pouting lips on. I finally got the message she was trying to tell me. So I asked, "Sarah ingat Mommy tak tunggu maknanya Mommy tak sayang ke?". And she said yes, turned and got into the car.
She was comparing my sister-in-law with me. I know she loves it when I wait for her to come back from school. But I have also told her many times that I have to work. Tak tau lah. She might just be using the excuse to make me feel guilty, or she might actually trying to tell me something. We didn't go anywhere last school holidays despite making her a promise. And lately, both hubby and me have been working like crazy.
At the office, the first thing I did was to book the Crown Princess hotel for a weekend stay this Chinese New Year holiday. I hope there're still rooms available. Then I checked out Awana Kijal and flight tickets for the school holidays. I've always wanted to take her on a flight. I hope we'll have enough money for the trip.