Here are some pictures. I'm having vertigo so I'm writing in a daze. I seem to be sailing in a boat, in a very bad weather... Maybe my ears are giving problems again.
Sarah at the porch playing bunga api. Yes, she still has some leftovers from Raya. I have only a few plants from the old house, those are at the corner. See that brown stool? That was hand-made by my late grandfather. It was green but I've painted it brown. I took it with me to my apartment in Puchong, then back to my old place and now it's here. Punya lah tahan, bagus betul orang dulu-dulu punya skills. I love that little piece of furniture. Reminds me of him.
My living room. You are looking at a Monaza set of sofa. Don't play-play! Ever since my previous company gave out bonuses, I've never ever spent a single sen. I bought unit trust and save up here and there. To celebrate moving to this new place, I sold that unit trust yang tak berapa untung tu and bought some furniture - this sofa set, a dining table set and a new fridge. This sofa set is so, so, so comfortable duduk tengelam as if the cushions all wrap around you. I believe in buying quality stuff, expensive but really puas hati. That's why have to save up.
One corner of the house, near the stairs. Nice spanking white chairs huh! Orang kedai dobi tu baru hantar. We bought this pair when we got married dulu. After we got Sarah, the colour changed from beige to spotted brown. Kena chocolate lah, ada kesan marker & pencil lah, ada spots because we always sidai Sarah's towel on the arms of the chair, kena susu lah, air tumpah la... We were thinking of refurbishing but expensive. Then jumpa one new kedai dobi kat Seri Putra yang boleh cuci these chairs, so we tried it first. The result - sangat puas hati! Sapa-sapa duduk Seri Putra pergilah sana - same row as the police station.
Ok, that's all... This ship is really sailing on rough seas... Pening la...
Ok, that's all... This ship is really sailing on rough seas... Pening la...