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Holidays? What Holidays?

End of the years is always called the holiday season, or the "holidays". Yea right, I've been working every day for the last 2 weeks including weekends and Christmas holiday. Last week I despised all those Christmas and New Year wishes. Tension gila.

And I am still working this weekend. Tomorrow is Hari Raya Aidiladha, the day after is New Year, but I have to work! This stupid content job!

So, here I am slaving away in front of this stupid notebook. There are some strange sounds coming out, it might be a matter of days before this machine got knocked out. I can imagine my mother at home now cooking nasi impit and rendang. Good thing my sister-in-law Azah is around. Tapi kesian diaorang. We won't be going back to Melaka. Hurray! Hubby works too. He's partially responsible for this mess I'm in. Tu la, dulu tak nak approve content, dok procrastinate. Kira banyak sangat la kerja lain nak buat. Penat I bebel tau. Dah la I ni bukan jenis bebel, so I really hate myself whenever I have to bring the subject up. Now with just 2 days before shakedown, content is still not ready. We had like what - 6 months? Crazy.

I'm having back-ache, shoulder-ache and bum-ache. Penat la duduk mengadap notebook nih. And I can feel heat on my head. My brains are frying up. No rest is really bad.

Anyway, I've like 95% completed with my work. But the approved contents have not come back to me, so I have to wait, then re-check, do some QCs and then resend for uploading. Masalahnya, the contents are being uploaded by this bunch of people yang sesuka hati akan tukar whatever that have been finalized. Sakitnya hati I. Ego is one lah kan, I always make sure I give the most prefect work even though selalu lah jugak terlepas mistake entah apa-apa. But then they hired us to re-write the contents so that the texts are easy to understand especially by the public. Tapi orang-orang yang tertentu tu agaknya gatal dan geram when they see such simple text, so they changed.

Here's one scenario - I put there "Cara Memohon" and anybody can understand that you click to that page to see how to make an application. Orang-orang yang rasa diaorang macam pandai sangat tu pegi tukar to "Tatacara Memohon". Hoi, apa tu tatacara? Tatabahasa? Aturcara? Tatatertib? Apa-apa tah!

So, yesterday I sent out one email pointing that out and "withdrawing" myself from doing QC on the uploaded pages. Korang nak tukar apa, suka hati lah, I don't care anymore. Bagus jugak, kurang satu kerja!

Ok people - if there are people out there - Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha semoga hari yang baik ni membawa keinsafan kepada kita. (Tak buat korban ke you all?). And a very happy new year 2007. It's going to be a tough year...

P/S Kesian Sarah, tak bawak dia pegi holiday pun! I promised her - next week when this commotion is over, I'm taking her to see a movie. She is so understanding - love her, love her, love her.


dcharmed said…
hehehhe... who say working is easy??? it's always you have to sampai gigit jari to face all the huh??? Be cool :P.

Anyway... selamat hari raya aidiladha kak...
Aniza said…
i met this lady some days ago, we were introduced by a friend. i asked her, "so, what do you do?". she said, "nothing and i love doing nothing!". i concluded from the various clues that she's married to some rich guy. sigh... good to be doing nothing... selamat hari raya to you, and happy new year!
dcharmed said…
Urghhh... wish i can give the same answer.... hahahah...
nahmy said…
i baru terserempak dgn blog you nih...anyway, i guess kalau nak rasa tak de challenge & problem dunia kita kenala mati dulu...tengok org yg dah mati tu diamje kan??....sorryle, i pun now banyak sangat 'takde keje' yang nak kena buat nih...
Aniza said…
Hi, nice of you to drop by. Tapi kan, orang mati tu nampak je diam... What I meant was once in a while best gak kalau boleh "do nothing" without worrying about money. Tapi I'm sure that lady I met tu sure bosan gak do nothing all day. Cuma sebab husband dia kaya, she can do nothing and at the same time boleh gi shopping, etc.
nahmy said…
hi again... immediately come after 'worry-about-money' is 'worry-about-death', mcm that lady la bila dia dah setel dgn 'worry-about-money' dia kena masuk zone 'worry-about-death' plak so i guess kita mingle at 'worry-about-money' pun dah kira ok dah..ini kita amik yg +ve le..mcm kes half full/half empty glass le