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Fed-up Lah Buat Content Nih!

I've been stuck with this content work for months. Mana taknya, kejap-kejap tukar direction, pas tu after a few weeks tukar balik. Dah elok-elok amend the affected articles, tukar direction again. Woi, bila nak habis? Macam ni towkey kedai emas pun boleh tutup! (Let's see, what's the connection between writing content and kedai emas...?). In few words - dah nak muntah tengok content ni lahhh....

This has been a challenging project. My team of writers - from doing full-time, sampai ada yang dah dapat kerja, ada yang dah tak nak buat, ada yang dah tak reti buat, ada yang tangkap muat, last-last akak jugak kena habiskan. Letih, letih. Kalau orang lain, dah give up kot.

Anyway, I'm submitting all by next week and get a sign off. Lepas tu, nak tukar direction pegi left, right, down suka hati korang lah. Buat lah sendiri ye. If you want me to do the changes, I will charge!

Eksyen tak I? Eksyen kan. Macam lah lepas ni ada project lain. Apa lah I nak buat come January? I'm not thinking of continuing my work with that company anymore. People can call me merajuk, I'm simply trying to make a statement. Insyaallah ada rezeki, adalah kerja. Kalau tak, hmm... jual sandwich pun bagus... Healthy. Daripada makan nasi lemak & roti canai. Speaking of health, there's this new "spirit" in my little company. I've officially elected Linda as Dextra's Activity Club President! Hah, ada 2 orang je sibuk nak elect president!

Our activities starting next week - to lose weight, eat healthy food and get fit. So, this week we can melantak as we wish. Next week kena start to use my dusty treadmill, follow some workout schedule and eat right following my meal chart which I got last time from my PT at Fitness First. I lost 4 kgs then, punyalah best rasa. Now dah stop exercising rasa heavy gila. That, coupled with my going around in my huge house, I'm targetting 5 kgs of weight lost in 2 months' time. At Dextra, we start our new year's resolution early! Hehe...

Anyway, anybody got any job to give me, sila-sila lah.


dcharmed said…
hahaha...tulah kan best...kalau tak duit 1000 at least dpt bergolek...perghhh Surely siok!
Aniza said…
if only, if only, if only... sigh...