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Going Ons

Life is as usual though less lonely because anak comel is home. Semalam dia call around noon -"Mommy, class Aliyah esok semua cancel. Nak balik boleh?". Hmmm... Anak bertuah ni memang ingat Melaka tu depan rumah je eh? Lepas settle buat laundry segala, dan selepas habis tengok episode 1 of Crash Landing On You, terus Mommy dia drive down to fetch her 😅. Mommy dia bukan ada benda nak buat pun! So, she'll be around till next week sebab study leave dah start. Semoga dia study hard and smart dan semoga dia berjaya dalam final exam dia starting next Friday. Doakan ya...

I finished making the black palazzo for that customer on Monday. I ni kalau buat custom-make pants ni memang akan berdebar-debar. Risau kot customer tak suka. But then, this one I memang buat dengan sangat detail dan kemas. Benang overlock guna warna hitam. So, black thread on black fabric memang nampak very nice. Alhamdulillah the customer was very satisfied. Siap kata - great workmanship! Terharu akak 😅.
Ambik gambar gantung nampak pelik nau...

Lepas ni nak sambung buat half curtains for the charity work. Then nak mula buat project baru - nak buat phone bags. Tengah tunggu snap fasteners sampai. Lambat betul kali ni shipment from China.

Now, around the house...
 Pokok lemon yang Hubbs gondolkan tu dah naik daun-daun rimbun 💪
Tok Teh dengan cucunda Ilham 😍

On 19th, genap setahun my beloved arwah SIL left us. Life has never been the same since then. I miss her terribly. Al Fatihah untuk Kak Ros, such a beautiful soul gone too soon. Just 3 days before, Phoebe, the family's beloved cat passed. My brother Angah said, Phoebe pergi jumpa Mak... 😢
Punya sayang dengan kucing tu siap buat proper grave 😄

Now, another beautiful soul is battling for her life. I pray she will recover. I pray Allah ease her pain. And I pray the one person I love who takes care of her will continue to be strong in facing this challenging time. Be brave. Be strong. I will be here if you need anything. Anything at all.
