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Showing posts from November, 2016

This Week Ada Aktiviti Sikit

Sebenarnya sama saja :). Most of the time we just stayed home. Now that I'm not working, rasa banyak free time. Tengah ada idea nak buat projek baru ni. Insyaallah... semoga berhasil. Sekarang tengah fasa buat research dan test. Bukan apa, I have to rake my brains to find something I can do from home. Projek sendiri. Asalkan tergerak hati nak contact kawan-kawan tanya kot ada projek I boleh join... teringat pulak kat tanggungjawab tiap-tiap pagi tu. Susah jugak nak commit. Last month my friend Aimy ada tanya if I can be her sparing partner for a project. Requirement study work kena station kat client's office sampai siap. So, terpaksa decline. I don't know... for now macam ni lah sementara school holidays ni. Next year is another story altogether. Kena juga cari rezeki kan.  We went to Agro Bazaar at Taman Warisan and I finally got myself a lemon tree :). Bau daun dia sedap. Nak suruh anak comel ni puasa ganti cukup liat. Janji buka puasa kat Sushi King barulah dia ...

A Nothing Much Week

Yup, it's been a nothing-much happen week. Most of the days, we both just stay home. Now that our HyppTV box has been plugged back on, at least there're quite a lot of good stuff to watch.  We previously had to buy a new and faster router after upgrading our Unifi package but not getting the speed we subscribed due to the slow TM router. But then, problem was, it doesn't really get along well with the HyppTV box. So, we had to sacrifice. Hubbs bought Android box which after some time we decided not to continue subscribing. Why? Because Astro sucks. That was the reason why we terminated Astro in the first place last time. Funny thing was, when Hubbs plugged back the original TM boxes, the speed was OK. Well, albeit being not stable at times, which can be easily rectified by restarting the routers. So, yeayyy for HyppTV :) Now, what do we both mother and daughter do these days? Let's see - either I cook or we eat out, we bake (we made Hanjuku Cheese Cake twice alre...

Hiking Bukit Melati

Dah lama nak cuba naik Bukit Melati, Nilai. Hari ni baru berjaya. Walaupun mulanya macam tak jadi. Janji dengan Ijul - kalau hujan, kansel. Tapi sebab dah pakai kasut, bila hujan mula turun, terus saja pergi fetch dia. Mana tau rezeki hujan berhenti kejap lagi. Alhamdulillah, sampai Bukit Melati, drizzling saja yang akhirnya berhenti. Lokasi cuma 20 minit dari rumah. OK lah tu. Ada harapan akan jadi tempat regular :). Parking pun senang. Tepi jalan saja. Tapi bila dah start ramai orang nanti, ada harapan kena menapak jauh. Starting point betul-betul sebelah tokong Na Du Gong. Yang bagusnya tempat ni - ada toilet (walaupun tak pasti sama ada bersih atau tidak), ada paip air kat tepi trail starting point tu (senang la kot nak cuci kaki ke, lumpur ke...), ada gerai jual air dan hiking apparel. Crowd hari Ahad tak ramai. Tak sure Sabtu macam mana. Trailnya - the one we took tak jauh sangat. Tak sampai 2km. First time ni agak cautious sikit. Ada 2 puncak - Centipede Hill dan Monkey Hi...

The Not So Fantastic Beasts...

I wonder if I'm the only one who finds the movie not up to expectation? Aliyah thinks so too. The months of excitement leading up to the movie just fell flat. I mean, I'm not saying it's not good at all. It's fantastic as the movie should be. In fact, it's one of the best movies around this past half year. Perhaps Harry Potter series has put the standards too far up that Fantastic Beasts just can't cope with the pressure.  But I must say I love the character Kowalski. I think his performance is worthy to be compared with Professor Slughorn in The Half-Blood Prince. As for the beasts in the movie - I only read the book once. And it was in PDF format :). While I think the book was funny and entertaining, I can't really relate what I've read to the beasts that came to life. Not much of a fan of the animals. Anyway, Aliyah and I both agreed that it's not worth watching for the second time. Hope the next movie will be a bomb. Because our favourite ...

Aliyah's Last Day of School for 2016

Yes, one week earlier than the official school holidays. Form 3 students of her school will be "direhatkan" next week. As usual, I would take Aliyah's first day of school and last day of school photos :) Hari ni dia bawak cheese cake ke sekolah. The leftovers from the one she did with her friends, and the one we made together 2 days ago.

Walking Again

Hari ni Aliyah sekolah. Setelah seminggu lebih Form 3 "direhatkan". Itu pun dia kata bosan sangat sebab memang dah tak ada apa nak buat kat sekolah. I have a feeling dia akan "rehat" esok :). Bila dia sekolah barulah ada sebab nak keluar for a jog. Sebab alang-alang dah drive out terus ke that small park depan Vista. Kat situ saja ada peace of mind. Bila jog kat jalan risau sebab kereta agak laju pagi-pagi. Hari ni tak lama sangat pun. Dan route pun huru-hara. Bukan apa, ada satu family yang sampai lepas I buat 2 rounds. Dok mengelak diaorang lah tu :). Breakfast lepas balik dari settlekan my mother. Nasi goreng belacan cili api dengan leftover sayur malam tadi. Plus 3 ketul nuggets. Banyak protein daripada carbs dalam tu! Ye lah tu :). Setelah risau berat badan naik, hari ni timbang dah nak almost reach that weight before I got lazy. Lagi 500gram! Yeay! Berkat puasa semalam kot. Tengah rajin buat felt pin cushions.

Again, Need to Go Out

Setelah memerap di rumah selama 3 hari, hari ni, seawal jam 11 pagi dah terpacak di IOI City Mall. Best rupanya sampai di mall awal pagi ni. Dapat park kereta betul-betul depan entrance. Beratur di ATM kena tunggu 2 orang je. Bila pergi toilet punyalah bersih dan wangi. Bila jalan-jalan pulak, jumpa lebih ramai staff kedai daripada customer. Memang best! Hari ni Single's Day. Banyaklah kedai buat sale. I cuma nak window shopping saja. Ok, ok, adalah shopping juga. Plan nak bawak Aliyah tour Putrajaya masih belum tercapai. Bukan apa, tengah musim hujan sekarang. Next week dia sekolah seminggu, lepas tu terus cuti. Banyak lagi masa... Hari ni lunch di Stacks. Anak comel yang makan sebab Mommy dia kenyang melantak nasi lemak masa breakfast. Mommy dia sebeanrnya baru dapat kesedaran yang berat badan dia dah naik. Tapi semangat nak jogging pagi-pagi masih belum datang. Minggu depan bila Aliyah sekolah mungkin akan rajin. Kot.

Rendang Suka Hati

Aliyah's friends are coming over tomorrow. I'm so over cooking spaghetti for them. Even though I know they love it. I saja yang dah tak lalu makan. So, malam ni menjadi host yang awesome dengan memasak rendang ayam dan nasi impit. There's a container of frozen kuah satay Hj Samuri in the freezer for them too. Kiranya esok macam buat open house Hari Raya :). In return, the girls will have to make me cheese cake! Rendang ayam siap! Sometimes I'm asked - rendang apa ni? My answer is always - rendang suka hati. Sebab suka hati I je masak letak apa. Hehehe... Ikut mood dan apa yang ada dalam pantry. But then, I don't cook rendang conventionally. Unorthodox kata orang :). Because there are 2 ingredients that I like to put in my rendang that I think no one else ever put.  1) Belacan. Yup, I like to put a little bit of belacan in my rendang. Tu pasal bila masak baunya combination rendang dan sambal tumis!  2) Coriander leaves. Daun ketumbar. I love coriander...

Day Trip to Kuale

Lama dah sebenarnya I bagi cadangan pada Hubbs for our little family to go on a trip back to his old school. I think it's good for Aliyah to know our "roots". She knows so much about my life back in ATPN as whenever my friends and I meet up, more often than not I would bring Aliyah along. So, cerita-cerita seperti kena panggil masuk pejabat ibu sebab nakal, ponteng kelas dan lain-lain aktiviti yang sewaktu dengannya semua dia tahu. I once told her, if she were to stay at a boarding school right now, she would be very much advanced in those areas! We finally took the trip yesterday. Hubbs wanted to drive out somewhere. I suggested we go for a dose of Mee Udang Mak Jah at Kuala Sepetang. He agreed and suggested we visit his old school next. Jadinya, lepas breakfast, we headed north. Cuaca sepanjang perjalanan sangat best dan sejuk, redup, mendung, once in a while gerimis.   Going for an adventure :) Stop kejap di RnR Sg Perak. Sampai Kuala Sepetang around 11...

Lazy Tanpa Rasa Guilty

Ever since my project ended I have been lazing around. Which translates to - sleeping, watching TV, endless browsing on my laptop, reading books. Dalam kepala ada macam-macam idea nak buat. I even have the files open on my laptop at all times. Tapi baru taip seayat-dua lapse balik ke mode malas. Dah lama sebenarnya tak enjoy this kind of freedom - the ability to be lazy without feeling guilty. Even pergi traveling pun selalu fikir masalah kerja dalam kepala.  I can't say I'm not enjoying this. But at times, I feel so bored I wish I have work to do. But then, like people say, enjoy it while it lasts. So, what do I do these days?  Plex has added concerts to its content. Bila tak ada rasa nak tengok series or movies, concerts are the best bet. One of my favourites - The Corrs Unplugged. Inilah cinta hatiku Bryan Adams. Hehehe... Dah 2 bulan tak jog rasanya. Pagi tadi semangat membara. Bukan apa. Berat badan dah naik 1.5kg. At my pace and my age, losing weight is no...