Penat balik from Morib belum hilang dah kena start kerja :(. Semalam had to attend a meeting in KL. Malas betul kalau meeting start 2.30pm. Sure habis lambat. But then, one thing I like about my current engagement is that I am not what I call a principal team member. I support. I do mainly documentation and reports.
So, yesterday, I merely support while my partner for the meeting struggled to present the system walk through (a lot of functionalities still not working!), explained the rationale behind certain interfaces, got grilled when certain functionalities were not developed based on requirement (understanding concepts is very subjective!), while I sat, took notes, nodded where appropriate, and chipped in where necessary. When the (garang) project manager asked to commit a date for the next walk through, I was so glad I am not the one in the position to answer. Been through that, done that... Fuhh!
I wish for more of such engagements :). I love having this peace of mind. And the freedom to work remotely whenever I can. The pay might be only half of what I deserve but I am not complaining :). Today, I compiled the feedback from yesterday's meeting and emailed to the others. While waiting to get access to the system for me to run through my UAT script, I might sneak out for lunch and a little shopping with Hubbs and Aliyah :).