I sometimes crave for light readings. OK la, I don't despise chick-lit. Ada juga yang I baca :). But I don't go for the shopping therapy stories. Yang cerita pasal cooking and baking appeal to me. Like Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted. That was a good one. Malam semalam we were at IOI City Mall. Sementara menunggu Hubby siap discussion dengan my current boss (we might be working together for this project I'm doing now), Aliyah and I went to Borders. Rasa terbuka terus minda tengok English books. I was at MPH Alamanda the other day and I was nauseated by the rows and rows of Malay novels dengan tajuk Suamiku Itu, Suamiku Ini. Please lah... Bila lah this craze over "lompong" literature will end? MPH Alamanda dah jadi macam Malay novel hub. English books adalah 3-4 rows.
Anyway,I had this list of books I wanted to buy. Ada yang jumpa tapi bila baca back cover rasa macam - not at this point of time. I want something light I can read on the train. Even that last Murakami book I wanted to buy pun... hmm... not really suitable for now. I finally found one that simply suits the mood, lagi-lagi dah akhir tahun ni kan. Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan. Supposed to be funny. And contains recipes as well. Interesting... Have not started yet. But looking forward to read this!
The recipes nampak macam boleh buat. Especially "the best birthday cake ever" and "vanilla cupcake with buttercream frosting". Nanti boleh ajak Aliyah experiment :)