Hari yang agak produktif. Dah lama tak ada 2-3 benda going on at the same time. Alhamdulillah. That means I have work to do. (Payment saja yang sangkut...) Sekarang tengah buat that consultation work yang boleh dibuat dari rumah (Hubby balik akan brief I about the going-ons), just got invite to participate in a sebutharga yang Insyaallah harapan besar untuk dapat, baru nak participate in one sebutharga yang memang our core expertise, and then, received one phone call from down south. You know, many times you do things and you don't really know what the outcome are... I received an email from that person last month pasal IA training. Adoi... lama sangat tak buat training sampai brochure pun entah ke mana. Submitted a short proposal and quotation. Tak lah berharap sangat sebab dia kata nak datang sorang saja. I proposed conduct the training in-house. Jimat cost. Hari ni dapat call from her. She just wanted to discuss a few things. And she told me that our IA training was recommen...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.