I finished stationing myself for 2 days at client's office. As expected - nothing much accomplished. The English version of the report is (hoped) to be finalised tomorrow. Spent Monday going through half of the BM report. Today, spent an hour, with another officer (the one yesterday had to go some where else), then this new officer got another meeting, replaced by another officer who doesn't look like he knows what he's doing. I finally advised him - let's just wait for the final version tomorrow, then I'll go one round of review (again). He looked so glad to be taken of the impromptu task. Pity him la actually. How la to finish the report if everybody cannot focus.
But this report is much, much better than the one I did half way last year. Come to think of it, it was around the same time! Still can't shake off the "phobia" of that report. Anyway, tomorrow will be a day off from work. I promised to work on the report from home. Well, I didn't promise what time. Yeay, boleh pergi meronggeng dengan my Kak Long and Aliyah.
Hubby? Oh, dia bujang till Thursday :)
But this report is much, much better than the one I did half way last year. Come to think of it, it was around the same time! Still can't shake off the "phobia" of that report. Anyway, tomorrow will be a day off from work. I promised to work on the report from home. Well, I didn't promise what time. Yeay, boleh pergi meronggeng dengan my Kak Long and Aliyah.
Hubby? Oh, dia bujang till Thursday :)