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Kerenah Customer... Sabarlah Hati...

Bila dah berdiri the other side of the counter, memang at times agak pening dengan kerenah customers. Sejak mula buat business Baju Kurung Cotton for Kids many, many years ago customer behaviour memang colourful. Yang paling stressful doing online business is ignorance. Kadang-kadang harga dah terpacak punya besar, boleh lagi comment "PM price pls". Seriously! Some people really need to learn how to read!

Just this week I encountered one difficult-to-say customer. Nak marah, memang I marah. Tapi rasanya dia memang tak berapa bijak kot. So, I maafkan... It started early in the morning, I ni dah la tak sihat kan... Dapat one WhatsApp message:

Customer X: Akak niaga lagi tak?

I read and asked myself - ni sapa pulak ni. Dalam kepala fikir entah-entah customer baju kurung. Or entah-entah customer cupcake dulu-dulu (maklumla, macam-macam business pernah buat).

Customer X: Akak bukak kedai lagi tak?

Another message came in. Fikir lagi... bukak kedai lagi ke tak? Bike shop ke? Kenapa tanya soalan macam tu? Ish, macam expect bukak kedai 2 bulan lepas tu tutup je... Salah nombor kot.

Me: Ini siapa ya?
Customer X: Khairil

Khairil mana pulak ni?

Customer X: R u ok?

Tanya aku OK ke tak pulak. Mesti salah nombor lah ni!

Me: Sorry, saya tak kenal.

After 2-3 minutes...

Customer X: Sy nk beli carrier utk baskal. Mls la urusan dgn akak. (Entah apa lagi I tak paham bahasa alien). Nk pegi kedai lain.

Customer X: [attached screenshot of my conversation with him in January]

Me: Sorry, saya tak simpan nombor customer.

Customer X: Tk kenal!

Huh? Apa masalah dia ni. Nama lelaki tapi merajuk macam perempuan.

Firstly, after he attached the screenshot baru lah I ingat siapa dia. Tapi kalau jumpa tengah jalan pun memang tak cam. Because he is not a regular customer. Dia datang 2 kali je. In January pulak tu. Kalau dia regular yang datang 2-3 kali seminggu insyaallah I kenal. Datang dulu pun beli bike stand, lepas tu tak boleh pasang nak jual balik. Harga RM8 je!

Secondly, berbahasa dengan I macam la kawan rapat. Siap tanya "r u OK?". If someone asks me that question, high chances that the person's phone number is in my contacts.

Thirdly, rezeki Allah yang bagi. Bukan dia. If dia rasa offended sebab I tak kenal dia and decided to go buy elsewhere, by all means. Bukan rezeki kami untuk dapat business dari dia. Allah knows best. He is not meant to spend at our shop and now that I think of it, perhaps it was a good move that he buys elsewhere.

Seriously, some people are just.... crazy.
